My My My

"I don't say this to a lot of new comics, but if you had a day job, I'd tell you to quit it."

No, you're talking about two different things. Hate-crime laws are about punishing actual crimes more harshly when they're motivated by bigotry. Hate speech as a legal concept is something else entirely, and for that matter, what's included under the umbrella of "hate-speech laws" really refers to a lot of different

Together, they average out to exactly the right amount of chin for two people.

I'd go with the Costanza defense… the one where you explain that you have no conscience or frame of reference for determining what's morally or socially acceptable.

Don't forget the Hawaiian-hotel pitch from the S6 premiere. Don comes up with an ad that he considers the most appealing image there is, and everyone else immediately identifies it as being about suicide.

One of the funniest moments on the DVD commentaries is when they show the train-station flashback at the end of the season and somebody's like, "And there's little Adam Whitman… I wonder what became of him?" or something similar, and Jon Hamm says, "Something tells me things are going to work out just fine for Adam

Exactly. The line is something like, "When Paul and I were dating, I never would have thought of him as open-minded." Joan may not have any particular antipathy toward Sheila, but she also didn't need to talk to her like that when Paul wasn't even there to hear it.

It's one banana! How much can it cost? Ten dollars?

It is what you might call a solo meal.

Tuna melt on sourdough is an if-you-could-only-eat-one-thing-for-the-rest-of-your-life candidate for me.

When we were little and slept over someone's house, it seemed like their mother would always make chocolate-chip pancakes in the morning, and I had to pretend to be excited because it was this big treat. But now I have passed the age of majority and can say what I always thought: chocolate for breakfast is gross.

Are you talking about my comment on the silent-film thread? If so, you forgot the corollary: "Hitler killed millions of Jews and have you ever thanked him?" Just as above with this "banking industry ruling Great Britain" business. Why can't you come out and say it? I assure you you've got nothing left to lose. And yet

You know how these bloody Swedes go on.

It would be cool if there was some kind of cosmic index measuring the collective quality of the human race from moment to moment so we can see how much of our average we owe to a handful of statistical outliers like Mandela.

And as they say, it really does look like he shot it in his and his friends' backyards after school.


…long story short, they eat a dead girl.

"This screwy book" is such a Holdenish thing to call it.

It's obviously overshadowed by what comes right after it, but their scene together at the party in "Guy Walks into an Advertising Agency" is really nice. I love how Peggy sincerely says she doesn't want Joan to think she never listened to her advice, and then when she continues, "It's just that we can't all be you,"
