Castleton snob

I like the boy band one, though I'll admit it's no classic. In addition to what has already been mentioned:

I pretty much laughed til I cried on that one.

Nashville, you say? My fair city. I hadn't heard. Thanks much.

I would like to amend Mr. Von Salsa's comment with an honorable mention going to the early 90's snl sketch - Heather Locklear repeatedly horrifying host Mike Myers with her casual racism.

He has three restaurants here in Nashville. I've never been to any, but P.M. is supposed to be great, and the kitchen stays open late (for Nashville, I don't know where you're used to eating).

John's Journal
That was depressing. Dude gets all excited about his time in D.C., buys a notebook specifically for the experience, and only gets to make one entry. But, hell, even if his dessert was great, he should have saved it for when he needed it. Obviously didn't stand a chance.

Great, except the one line…
"Fucking is fucking, but music, that's personal, man." - not verbatim

Never has a caricature been used to such melancholic effect…
But will it lead to JJ selling his ride on the Duff Blimp?

Never has a caricature been used to such melancholic effect…
But will it lead to JJ selling his ride on the Duff Blimp?

Ditto on the Louis CK love. I'm a little worried; I can't yet tell if the show takes place in a universe in which Dave will actually suffer consequences for illegally detaining a teenager or not. Hope not.

You're not alone, Bunk. My girlfriend and I thought so too.

As I read this, "do you realize" came on in a Bank of America commercial. That's harder for me to accept, both for the song and the company.

The Office - yes. Good analogy.

well, that's somehow worse, even if it's "top chef" not "top cartographer."

Aw, I've been guilty of this before - someone is pursuing a topic you don't feel like discussing, and YOU think you're communicating your lack of interest in the discussion but the other person won't take a hint. Finally you snap and have to spell it out that you don't want to talk about it, and you seem like a dick

I took his response about the champagne to be a moment of honesty. He'll put up with all these changes but he took that moment to draw a line in the sand. Pretending to like their crappy champagne was a concession he was unwilling to make. He was letting Peggy know, in his almost-but-not-quite-paternal way, that she

Wow, I thought I was trying to be nice about it. Guess I did come off dickish, but I was just kidding about you being embarrassed. Sorry, didn't own or ever lay eyes on the Us3 album, so can't comment on it's raison d'etre. I don't know anything about you, so I didn't know you were so well-versed. Thought you might

"Cantaloop" is just a sample from Herbie Hancock's "Cantaloupe Island" LOOPED, or repeated over and over. I will not be a dick about it, because I'm sure you're embarrassed enough already.

It's a red herring. The stalker is going to turn out to be Eric's girlfriend. He'll find Vince's underwear at her place. You heard it here first.

A follow up, maybe
I know it's not the point of the interview AT ALL, but the hijackers "tried" to take the driver's girlfriend? How did they get out of that? Some of us might be in that very situation one day, and that would bue useful info. I was picturing a Steve Zissou-style ass kicking, but that doesn't explain