
If Annalise burns down her own house, then she would be taking a page out of her mother's book.

Annalise simply completed what Frank did to try to save Wes.

Frank…Frank…Frank…where do I start? He should have checked first that Mahoney's son didn't have an alibi before framing him. Why go see Laurel first? You haven't talked to her in a while. You fucked a nurse & Bonnie. I think he's simply trying to recruit people to be on his side before facing Annalise. Why come back?

I loved Bonnie in this episode. She was sweet with Annalise and brought her cake & tried to help with the case. She's been stronger and more confident these past episodes. She's growing and standing her ground. I loved how she kicked Frank out and read him for filth. Everything she said was true. Frank is a fucked up

Since we had Connor and Bonnie let it out on Wes, then it's fair to have the Keating Five have a go at it on Annalise. It always annoyed me how they always whispered and complained about her with each other, but two minutes later they would go see her to fix their problems or for favours. Glad that they were finally

I guess Frank, Connor and Nate are the only options for the dead male. I was crossing my fingers though that we would lose Wes. It better not be Connor!!!

It could mean call Wes, or Wes was also in the house or Wes did it.

I thought it was funny to see Frank there, but I kinda expected it.

I guess a chiseled body doesn't get you everything in life. He's like the Femme Fatale in old movies who is just very unlucky.

I miss the Connor from the first episodes in Season 1. It was cute for him to fall in love and try to do right by Oliver and staying by his side even after Oliver was HIV positive. Now Oliver is being an asshole to him and he doesn't deserve it. Connor shouldn't die, because we need to see him rise on top of all of

He should have called 9-1-1 immediately after Sam died. Instead, he went to clean up Rebecca and everyone else got involved. They covered everything up which now makes it seem less like defense and more like a homicide. Everyone would get jail time for being an accomplice.

Oliver is really annoying me this season. Connor has been nothing but good to him, yet he still finds ways to complain. If Oliver is bored and needs to spice up his life then he should simply add flavoured lube to their sex life.

I was thinking the same thing during the 1st season, but now we're so far gone.

I simply love Jamie Lee Curtis. She can be witty, sexy and fierce. She can do no wrong. My bf loved the slapstick comedy in this movie. It was very fun to watch. Man, does poor dogs haha. I would recommend this movie to anyone. There is comedy, violence, crime, betrayal and romance.

I'm late to join this conversation, but I just watched this movie last week. I'm not a huge fan of the monster genre, but I did enjoy it. I rated it a B-. My bf was bored by bit, but I think he expected more action, horror and violence and less comedy.There were parts that did feel long, but it developed the

I've been screaming this since episode one of this season, but it better be Nate or
Wes under that sheet.

This episode made me get over Connor and Oliver. I agree with Connor that saying you need space shouldn't mean that you should be out and about and dating. I could have understood him needing to hookup to release sexual tension, but that man seems interested in being more with him.You can leave a relationship saying

What do you mean by "poor Wes" ? I was so happy with what Bonnie and Connor told Wes, because it's what I was thinking all along. At the end of the day, it's Wes who killed Sam and he's the one who decided to get involved with Rebecca. Did he not shoot Annalise last season???

Last season, he was soooo annoying. This season, I simply find him insignificant.

-I loved Bonnie in this episode. She grew some balls and did the right thing.
-Tristan was trying to break the cycle illegally and without anyone's help. He was facing 7 years in juvie. It's good that he doesn't want for the child to be born in poor living conditions, but at the end of the day she shouldn't be pregnant