
I really hated Mama Mabel. I don't see why she had to force Cottonmouth into the criminal street affairs. He was so talented and they seemed to have enough money to fund both of them to go to great schools.

I thought about that for a while, but imagined that Cottonmouth had already met Diamondback in person.

I love your Buffy reference

I'm not a gamer. My boyfriend got me to try Limbo and I really enjoyed it. I called the boy, Jesse. These games don't have much sound which I like because it gives it a eerie vibe and it also allowed me to create my own narrative and commentaries out loud. This past weekend I just finished Inside. I enjoyed it more

I recently watched this movie and I happen to be one of the few people who haven't watched Drive yet. (I'll get to it soon) I'm usually really big on plots. This plot was simple, but still intriguing. It didn't leave me questioning plot holes. My favorite thing about this movie is Jessie not being as helpless as she

- The moment she said that made me think that she sometimes has sex dreams of Eve & I'm actually surprised that Nate kept his cool after what she said since I believe he knows about her past with Eve.
- I want to applaud the makeup artist who did Frank's face. I believe his scenes just show how desperate he is at this

I also agree that for now I think it might be Wes or Nate. I honestly believe Nate is still around for his body. I used to really miss the old Connor (he might reappear), but I feel being with Oliver made him a bit more mature and less self-centered. Oh well! Hopefully a single Connor makes for a series of hot males.

It makes sense to me right now that Bonnie isn't currently doing much. Things are different now. Frank isn't around anymore. The Keating 5 aren't all just chilling at the house anymore. Annalise had to deal with a big betrayal from Frank and I don't think she really knows who to trust anymore. She's even leaving

I kinda hope Nate is the one dead. This episode he just seemed like eye candy (those muscles) and was only useful in rubbing AK's feet. I feel as if they are in a routine now. I'm biased because I want AK and Eve to be endgame. I just love the tension and passion between them. He also seems to be over AK's house more

Nate is so sweet, but I'm still rooting for Eve and Annalise as endgame.

I was thinking the same thing. It doesn't make sense to me how Oliver just randomly quit his job just to spice up his life. He doesn't mention what his plan was for the future. When Connor told him to leave with him, he didn't offer any reason as to why he/they should stay unless he is hiding something. I see no

I just finished watching Season 2 and I was excited to come here and read what was written for each episode. I'm disappointed to only find the review of the first episode. My friends don't watch this show, so I really want to hear other people's thoughts on it. Can't wait for more episode reviews to be posted.