Clifford C Clavin Jr

Well, I don't know if I can agree with your hockey analysis there, joelgord.  All the great hockey coaches will tell you that, when using rope to tie a goalie in place, you need a little more give in the knots than Apu provided that blue-haired fellow, in order to allow the prevention of just such an eventuality as we

It's not particularly in my nature to experience guilt, especially as a consequence of a well-intentioned notion, but I must confess that given subsequent developments I have, over the years, felt the occasional twinge at introducing Sammy to that jerk Semenko - queer as the day is long, I might add, and I don't care

How you doin' there, Normy?

Oh, I miss Coach, fellas.  Sometimes I just tear up thinking about him.  He could have a surprising temper, but he was such a sweet man.

How you doin' there, Normy?

Although the doctors said I was fine after smashing a brick with my forehead, I seem to recall taking a lot of shots to the old noggin during this period.  Sometimes I wonder if, like Coach, my mental faculties will begin to show deterioration for the battering they took from various falls down the stairs, assaults by

How you doin' there, Normie?

How you doin' there, Normy?

During the time that Sammy was with Diane, I was rounding into my mid-30s, a time when every man has to take stock of himself.  You start to realize that, by and large, you are who you are, and the windows of opportunity for change start to narrow pretty quickly.  When I was confronted by a loudmouthed visitor to


How you doin' there, Normy?

So many snow cones … perhaps another time, when we're reminiscing about another year's events.

Now, everybody knows that during the heyday of black and white film, people routinely dreamt in black and white themselves, but started dreaming in color again once Technicolor hit the scene.  I myself dream in color, but some of my dreams have another peculiar visual quality, whereby rather than being lifelike, they

I was concerned by the telltale capitalization scheme in the second sentence of scortius' post.  To an eye trained for detail, the kind of eye you need to rapidly sort envelopes for an apartment building with 65 different units, the repetition of "ONE" was plain as day.  Plus I always like it best when Norm is the

It's a little known fact there, scortius, but individuals who set about to intentionally be the first commenter on an online discussion thread are 67% more likely to contract a rare strain of Auto-Immune Deficiency Syndrome, which is colloquially known as "CancerAids".  Might want to have that checked out.

Well, a very, uh, close friend of mine once got behind some other folks and then said "nuke the beast!"  So hiding behind passersby is a possibility as well.  Also the canine skeletal structure prevents effective climbing, so refuge may be sought in an elevated positino.

I'm saving that one in the mailbag for a later event, in describing a particularly vicious animal with which I had an unfortunate run-in; I may expand further on the more negative aspects of the Postal Worker-canine interaction at that time, but I wanted to emphasize the positive here.  A memoir ought to be a

It's an unfortunate commonplace that Postal Workers hate dogs.  Not so!  We are merely cognizant of the hazard they present to your honest Mail Carrier going about his rounds.  Each year some two and a half million people are injured in a car accident, but that doesn't mean we hate cars.  I myself had some unfortunate

How you doin' there Normy?

Is that the photo of me that should go next to my name up there?  I have a photo, and when I created this account I uploaded it.  I can see it when I look at my profile page, but I don't understand why it isn't showing up when I post in these conversations.