Latverian Diplomat

Didn't care for the "feminization" of psychosomatically "neutered" Wilfred. Female is not just the absence of being male. Yes, you can say it just shows how misogynistic Wilfred (or Ryan's subconscious) is, but that's a bit of a cop out. It also wasn't particularly original or funny.

I always wonder about how real some of Wilfred's actions are, (i.e., is Ryan imagining it or is Ryan doing it unconsciously). For example, the words scratched in the door, or the Ryan tied to the bed are actions that leave behind physical traces. As Ryan says, he'll have to sand and repaint the door later.

Not even Ryan thinks the stuffed giraffes are real, thinking and feeling beings.

I think it's just time for Stewart to move on. He's done a great service, but a fresh face in the anchor chair is what the show needs now. Maybe Stewart will be that fresh face after his time away, but I doubt it.


And if they have always had this ability, why didn't they use it for Fry's benefit earlier. They didn't need this little favor added to the tab. He saved the freakin' universe: every day should be "The Nibblonians Do Something Nice for Fry Day".

Well, they also stuck him with that lousy Scooty-Puff Jr.

Can you give an example of an Inception specific joke?

I was expecting them to land a specific joke about ST IV, but I didn't catch one.
ST I might be even more appropriate, as Veejur was also blowing up stuff while attempting to "communicate" — and yes, that was also stupid.

@avclub-fc234124d1d8a21900cb7e428a012fa4:disqus Wow, you are correct. The Chevy Hulk seems inevitable now.

In the business world, I believe that's known as using an alternative dispute resolution technique to resolve a quality control issue.

DC is a division of Lexcorp publishing. It explains a lot.

Equinox (villain)
Avalanche (villain)

Good thing Merlots doesn't have a lobster tank.

@Kumagoro:disqus Aside from the element of surprise, the other thing is that the daylight vampires are presumably immune to all the UV based weapons, including UV emitting bullets that gave Pam such trouble, and all the lamps.

Bill had no reason to do it that way.

True, in some ways Ike is a more plausible pimp than Stevie could ever be,

Perhaps the Dexter spin off will be about topless waitresses of Miami who have daddy issues. The HBO CEO of Tits will be kicking himself for not thinking of it first.

@avclub-e5438bd5e7a11caaf7c625d9d5ab7b50:disqus I get where you're coming from, but sometimes historical fiction has to take a stand on these issues. Depending on who the POV characters are, it's possible to let mysteries remain mysteries, but almost all the major players are potential suspects and "know" whether they

So, why did Masuka's daughter tell him what her place of employment really was? Did she not expect that he might stop by? Being a topless waitress for her newly met biological dad is something a normal woman would actively try to prevent.