Latverian Diplomat

The most interesting thing about Cassie before this episode was that she wasn't all that interested in Dexter. But the show went beyond "telling not showing" to "telling to undo showing" by have her blurt out a random confession of a big crush on Dex after all. And this just to set her up for the fridge treatment.

So, Hannah the fugitive on the run somehow elbows her way past all the other beautiful women who would like to meet Mr. 700 million $$ and then convinces him to marry her in a few short weeks? And then puts up with his abusive crap for more than 5 minutes? Ridiculous.

Bill had a tiny taste of Warlow's blood, that's all he needed to become a daywalker and be able to save everyone. He was just very slow to realize that.

Sarah has been unsuccessful with both Church and State. What's left? Wall Street? Hmm, I would love to see Eric bring the Grand Guignol Vengeance Road Show to Goldman-Sachs.

Loved the existential stuff about the transporter that led into it too.

There was nothing Eric did that Billith couldn't have done days ago (after Bill first drank Warlow's blood). It took walking in Eric's footsteps for him to realize that. Bill, not very bright, and Lilith, not very helpful.

Didn't all the non-sun-room vamps drink tainted True Blood? Billith's blood doesn't cure that, right? Aren't they all basically doomed?

It'll be interesting to see if anything comes of the hints that Dad kicked the dog at some point. He rationalized and minimized it, and Mom is not a reliable witness, but we also saw him lose his cool with his secretary in Ryan's memories last week.

With apologies to McKinley as the victim of an assassin and the long suffering patient of inept doctors, saving him could plausibly lead to a worse timeline. Teddy Roosevelt was an improvement.

The Gestapo clearly had a lot more experience with foiling time travelers.

In terms of scale, casualties, and how technology rendered all previous military conventional wisdom obsolete, the only American experience comparable to WWI's impact on Europe is the Civil War, and we Americans are still not over that one.

He does seem to do things the hard way. Showing up as an American in wartime Japan and trying to convince the city leaders to evacuate is neither likely to succeed nor likely to do much to prevent the cold war.

Hmm. Well, I quite enjoyed the two hour "companion" documentary "The Real White Queen and her Rivals". It was also a lot of PG, but they had some other historians commenting as well. It suffered a bit from PG's speculations about the Princes in the tower etc. but in two hours they mostly had to stick to the facts,

Thanks @avclub-7e1ce4ce3124fd9ecc13a151afcff11b:disqus It was a fun and interesting exchange for me too.

I left room for exceptions, but I think the trend is there. They don't set out to bore adults, but they don't care if they do, as long as the kids are hooked.

I think it's just the way Disney does things. They are very good at developing TV shows that appeal to kids, and whether they appeal to anyone else is incidental (and with a few exceptions adults do find their shows almost unwatchable.

I appreciate the focus on an early Batman who makes mistakes, and on more obscure villains, but the combination is really making Batman underwhelming in this incarnation.

See also Superman/supergirl.

Like the DCAU, I thought EMH did a good job of finding interesting stories and characters from the original continuity but updating or streamlining them well. The Graviton episode was a really good example of this, and a well choreographed battle for basically the whole episode.

@avclub-99b410aa504a6f67da128d333896ecd4:disqus Mercury is pretty far down in the Sun's gravity well, that means trips there or back take lots of fuel or lots of time compared to a trip to Mars.