So once again, the Evans men are bailed out by the women in their lives:
So once again, the Evans men are bailed out by the women in their lives:
I'd like to think that Mercedes' miscarriage was really an abortion. I'm not sure the show is quite that courageous. Unless she's planning to leave Miami for quite a while, it's a really poor cover story if she's still pregnant.
I thought it was Sy's car, and the planted a bomb as "insurance" which is the kind of twist that works for about two seconds, and then you think "wasn't it stupid to throw your lives away on an ill conceived ambush when you had a bomb ready to go?"
Da Vinci is a co-production with the BBC, so it's probably a lot cheaper than Magic City, which is all Starz baby.
@avclub-7e1ce4ce3124fd9ecc13a151afcff11b:disqus Yes, I was a bit sloppy with "weapon" I meant tool or defense, not the literal meaning. However, the distinction between a charm for good luck or health and a defense against the supernatural is surely a modern one. All illness or misfortune was at least potentially the…
I think you are wrong about the silver thing. Silver as a weapon against all sorts of supernatural creatures has a long history in European folklore. It was the inspiration for Mithril in Tolkien, for example.
I'm always a little frustrated when professional killers bungle body disposal. I guess anyone can get sloppy, but if it's the body of a made man, you'd think they'd pay attention to what they were doing.
@samatict:disqus It might have been a better twist to have the Volm gun rendered inoperable but still used as the decoy. Then take a different tower out by the means you suggested. Or even with a nuke; access to a nuke would have given the arc with the "real" President a purpose.
@avclub-d7f43e1fb2d4977c86163d9b0cb07814:disqus @avclub-78c86aa171e1ab86948a7e10c471fc63:disqus The footage of people complaining about the Prawns was actually footage of people prompted to complain about Zimbabwean immigrants.
I sense no shame in the production team about this. If they completely lost their effects budget, I suspect they would timeshift to 20 years in the future for a soap opera style focus on Mason family drama and occasional reminiscences about all the amazing adventures they had back during the war.
Denise Crosby as Tasha Yar is an example.
Oops, wrong thread.
I've heard the original conception was a much darker show focused on the adult characters. Given how terrible the show quickly became, I doubt the production team had the ability to deliver on that vision
Unfortunately his storyline on Caprica (the Cylon quest for wuv, the missing ingredient in sexual reproduction-huh?) was the beginning of a series of plots that marked the shows departure from hard hitting realism to cylon metaphysical baloney like miracle cancer-curing hybrid baby.
@avclub-2b88c1c9536414bc2c9e43d902eadcd0:disqus As long as you throw out ecology, biochemistry, and astronomy, Pitch Black's world building works fine.
Just from an engineering standpoint, the Espheni grid is really poorly designed. If the outage of any single tower takes down the whole grid, then there are dozens if not hundreds of single points of failure.
It would have been more realistic to see the humans portrayed like the Free French (with Tom as a de Gaulle, which is a shoe that seems to fit). It would allow for plenty of friction and Volm arrogance in a more subtle way.
The time from fertilization to implantation can easily be seven days or a little more. So, technically, she wouldn't be pregnant yet.
I think she should put together another guerilla camera crew and start working on another investigation. Something about the missing governor should be safer than werewolves; maybe she start by getting on Sarah Newlin's calendar.
We've seen vamps take "ownership" of particularly tasty humans before, e.g., Sophie-Anne and Hadley.