Unless she was really into/knowledgeable about fishing. Low percentage risk but possible.
Unless she was really into/knowledgeable about fishing. Low percentage risk but possible.
And she was right to do so. Dexter really came across as weird/boring on their "date".
Batista's a terrible manager.
If you promote one co-worker over another and get called on it, you justify it by praising the one that got it (they deserve it) not by tearing down the one that didn't.
Hey Jaime is always babysitting Harrison; Quinn's got to take every chance he can get.
I thought it worked for a Bender-centric episode.
Don't use something that is easy to disassemble and has valuable parts as a security system?
I kind of wanted to see the spiders go on a rampage. With all the gang members dead, the hapless citizens would now be vulnerable. It would have added a dark finale to Leela's meddling with a culture she looks down on but doesn't understand.
It was Mickey's drugs and guns that set up named Sean to kill some unnamed woman, so clearly Ray felt Mickey was to blame anyway. This is apparently the murder Mickey was convicted of. Not sure if we have been told who Sean is or what woman was murdered, or why Mickey would want to protect Sean.
I somewhat agree with you on this. I don't think the show has done a good job of building it's world in an engaging way, but I feel we are finally getting some movement on multiple fronts. We found out more about Mickey's past and Terry's girlfriend's present. Ray now knows he's under investigation. Ray's family is on…
It wasn't clear that the paperwork was signed (it didn't look like it, but only the front page was showing. Is it possible that they were killed for not signing rather than the money? I can't see giving addict mom money without the signed documents in hand.
That was a hell of an industrial strength towel rack in Ray's bathroom. In kind of a weird place too.
I think it was Ezra's wife that Ezra said was his one true love, which his mistress overheard as she was delivering his lunch.
Yes, and even though she resented the intrusion, it motivated the rest of her day, because she abandoned the kids (mistake) and started investigating Ray's "secrets".
Dexter is a "real world" Batman that is somehow more implausible and less moving than the original.
I remember enjoying My Favorite Martians back when it was on (I was the right age for it, and hey aliens), though I had never seen the original show. (In my area at least, it was not the rerun champ that Jeanie, Gilligan, and Star Trek were).
You can't really get to know everyone in a large workplace well enough to challenge them randomly. Photo ID badges are supposed to address this problem but they are notoriously ineffective.
The traditional reason vamps don't show in mirrors is the silver backing. This show does have vamps magically vulnerable to silver, so they could have kept that.
You'd think that a decent hand scanner would also check for a pulse and/or living body temp, but it's Louisiana, so one can expect a Halliburton kickback was involved in the selection process.
Does anyone else think that Tom pushing for Boston as the target trying to get a twofer was kind of stupid?
The grid is so much more of a threat than Karen, you have to optimize the mission for success of that objective, period. The grid is also time critical and you only have one shot at it.
Maybe Tom would do that…
@avclub-7bfca2b13a228102a0a8909b6ea2aae7:disqus I liked the way Buffy addressed this, some vamps are just too oblivious to notice that times had moved on and their favorite hair and close now stick out, in some cases ridiculously so.