It really is a poor choice by the writers.
It really is a poor choice by the writers.
I found Tom escaping, going to his old house, where his old room was still in pretty great shape after years with a window open (you'd think those sheets would be all mold and rat piss by now) was so implausible I thought he might be in the dream machine again.
I don't think the optics of looking through a hole in the wall works that way though.
Or use them as a medicine factory. Remember when V was a precious commodity?
They seem to imply bloodline is a factor. I also wonder if Pam's more powerful in Eric's presence.
Maybe direct injection speeds up the onset. We don't know how massive a dose Nora was given.
How about innocent fairies killed by Warlow, which doesn't seem to have affected his position (pun intended) with Sookie much.
They are not even trying to make the Harry videos look like they weren't filmed yesterday.
Next week, Dexter is able to drive into a tunnel entrance Deb painted on the side of a cliff.
Harrison. Someday he would find out.
Maybe, but why go that route when Masuka could so easily have fathered a child during one of his more careless trysts.
That's the low end of the scale for egg donation, I think. It's a very intrusive and uncomfortable process, so they pay a lot more than they do for sperm donation.
Deb will be bummed until Dexter proves to her that he was also a serial killer, whose MO was to hang around likely accident scenes and then purposefully save only half of the victims.
@Cutlass12:disqus As the season opener showed, if you don't want to write those difficult Deb scenes, just do a time skip.
And that you can have an accident that drops both driver and passenger into identical "TV uncounsciousness" with no other injuries.
At the risk of describing two old TV shows with comparison to two even older movies:
I thought Judy's new gig as a bondage model was a step up from the street walker we saw last saw her as (I think Bettie Page would agree). I would have rather seen more of her stepping into the "camera club" subculture than the nothing burger that was the rest of Danny's scenes this week.
That was hinted at in the pilot (at least from Stevie's POV) then dropped.
If you think they're the worst, you haven't met enough Fundies.
Passing off a stone cold con artist who scammed people for money as a heroic explorer of the unknown who just wants to help people worked for Medium, I guess it was inevitable it would happen in a movie too.