You should look at becoming a Unitarian. Their philosophy lines up with yours, and even questioning believers and atheists are welcome.
You should look at becoming a Unitarian. Their philosophy lines up with yours, and even questioning believers and atheists are welcome.
@Goon_Diapers:disqus On the contrary, Tom Cruise seems amazing in comparison, and I am not a huge fan of his. But I can't picture Reynolds as the lead in Mission Impossible, Minority Report or War of the Worlds.
Straight men and lesbians only account for 1/2 of "people".
I miss the ambition of season 2.
He is Hannah, the herbs make Deb perceive her as a man. (It's powerful stuff). :-)
Culminating in a foot chase where he trips over that new bench in the park (who put that there?). LaGuerta solves the case at last.
@avclub-323ca7b091beb1b26cc7a2612f1475d5:disqus It started strong, but in terms of "games" they went to a few overly familiar wells too often. They really needed more variety in the cast. Drew Carey deserves credit for using his then peak of fame to get the show on the air, but he was not a great host.
It bugged me too. It was awkwardly written, but I took it as a reaction to Lourdes' tone, which kind of conveyed that all was not well with Dr. Glass. Of course then Mr. Pres jumps to the conclusion that she's dead, so maybe he's just not very bright.
Ray shows up. Ray grunts at someone. They do what Ray wants. This is not showing Ray to be an effective problem solver in my book.
@avclub-c01431c2e06ee8eaf5de2e9c9e05b9b8:disqus Yes, there was a woman with the planets costume and a Pluto symbol armband in the first establishing shot of the club.
@avclub-3be42d8a3412057f79af152555e39bd4:disqus @avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus wrt Julian, I almost like the idea of future charismatic leader is creepy teenage putz (and always will be inside?). I just wish I was convinced it was a choice and not just the severe limitations of the actor.
Cleaner or closer as the situation demands, the important thing is he is the face of his organization, the one who talks to clients in person. And stoic brick wall is not the one facial expression that works for all occasions in that role.
I think he shows plenty of contempt for his family members, most especially Terry as convenient punching bag.
I don't see the problem. The only thing the Picketts had that the aliens would care about were one or two harness-able kids. And if they prey on other humans only, they are actually useful as they are.
Like you Sonia, I'm confused about what they are trying to convey with Mickey.
For someone who is apparently the closer for his organization, the guy who gets people to sign on the dotted line, Ray is pretty terrible at it. Stone-faced "Here's the deal, think it over." with black Justin Bieber's mom or placid "I want to help you" with Bunchy is not going to seal the deal.
@avclub-aa8199204bbd84f584fe5957410e9e71:disqus Yes, like salmon and sea turtles, Fae are apparently tasty and completely vulnerable when young. Fecundity is really the species' only chance at survival.
Sometimes I find myself rooting for Karen. I'm a sucker for "plucky underdog in a demanding new job" plots.
Ten Little Indians Dexter -style.
Yes, it's a retcon, but I guess I think it's a smoother one than you do.