Latverian Diplomat

So Tom apparently followed his role model FDR in not telling his VP anything about the big top secret weapons program. Of course, FDR died suddenly, whereas Tom resigned and probably could have spared 5 minutes for a quick briefing, but it's hard for a historian to resist such an otherwise obvious parallel, I guess.

So, Tom Mason's default reaction to a Mexican standoff is immediate surrender. I guess that biography of Harry Reid he was working on before the war really sank in.

So when was Lourdes infected? They made it pretty clear when Karen infected Hal, but Lourdes has always been someone "safe" behind friendly lines, hasn't she?

Yes, that was a very elaborate way for Pam to be called on her bullshit by her "therapist."

Perhaps he thought she was old enough to start picking out a china pattern. Don't want to leave that as a last minute detail.

@Mattepntr Just Tara-without-Pam is a frightening prospect.

Waiting for Luna to speak up and say "The pack wasn't so bad, and you and sad new mommy are weirding me out. Can we go back?"

She was definitely not towing the AVL party line about how vamps are just ordinary folks with pointy teeth, strange diets, and odd sleeping habits.

I think the fact that he could save one but had to act fast to do so is why he could hold things together. In a day or two he should have a total grief crash, but I doubt we'll see that.

@periwinknotpink:disqus You're assuming Warlow was telling Niall the truth. I think the implication that Niall is his son was pretty clear, and explains why he spared Niall then and in the last episode.

So, counting Dexter, at least 3 of Vogel's ex-patients are active serial killers. Heckuva job, doc.

Probably overestimating the writing, but there may be a subtle discrepancy between the code as designed by Vogel and the code as taught by Harry.

The wife's reaction to the photos and the way the case ended was both a mild surprise and believable.

He got a D in Other Stuff That Looks Like Blood 101. It's his secret shame.

Or as beneficial to the people of Miami.

Deb is getting the Doakes treatment. Not a good sign.

If Vogel had been talking to Season 1 Dexter, she would have been spot on.

Guns, drugs, phones, and cars all behave differently on TV than in real life, and so do psychopaths. Making things realistic is hard work.

They took the stairs used only for Fire, Power Failure,  and Subterfuge emergencies.

It's Vogel's other personality. She's her own worst patient.