Latverian Diplomat


Thanks for the link. It  seems like the ending they might have used if they had been renewed for another season.

It's an interesting contrast with the last episode.

Have to disagree with you about Monk. The Newan theme song was clever, but I preferred the original. In part, the Newman song reflected the shift from Monk as a straightforward OCD case (often tragically self-aware of what he was costing himself, but unable to stop) to a much broader played-for-laughs panaphobic.

I was very glad to see Vera succeed with her number. I know intercutting with the action scenes was Godfather-esque, but it actually would have been cool if they could have put together and presented a genuine act and given over a portion of the episode to it. It could have replaced some of the time spent on these

I remember the attempt to CGI in Nancy Marchand was pretty weak.

She is addressing an audience that knows who Sheridan is and why he's famous, So there's no ambiguity. In fact, it's a subtle dig at them for turning on their greatest hero of the last war. I think it works.

Yes, and for all we know Castis have an additional erogenous zone common to both male and female that Kenya had learned to manipulate.

@avclub-fde756c3b7dfe1636fa285466fc51813:disqus  @eric827:disqus The show is using the popular understanding of what a psychopath is, not the more modern definitions such as APD that are actually in use, or the fuzzier boundaries of such classifications. Whether or not an expert of Vogel would really talk about it

Future Historian Tom Mason IV:
"The fillibuster of the Lesser Species Domination Appropriations bill in the House of Overlords was ultimately what saved Earth. Democracy was the key to human victory, but not in the way that any of them expected."

Sure is. I knew what Francium was, but it supplied a few nice details.

@avclub-dc10fce584f2cdf09d6690e0f2883227:disqus I'm always happy to be surprised, and the show has been on the upswing lately, so maybe they will surprise me.

Datak will be bumped from mayor and Amanda restored. Nolan will get his lawkeeper job back. Rafe and Yewll will survive their injuries. The doomsday weapon which has been the hidden agenda of several characters this season will be defused somehow.

One small point that bugged me. The idea of having a two part key for your WMD makes a lot of sense, as Nolan says, humans did that too. But having two keys that can both reside in and be operated by one person defeats the whole purpose of having two keys. Feh.

I thought it was going fine until Nolan got shot. Then we had the magic Irisa moment, which breaks everything because there are no rules. We have no idea what powers/limitations/sacrifices are now on the table.

What if Ryan's dad is a perfectly nice fellow who's also an inveterate furry?

It's a Wonderful Life is another point of comparison.

I'm not a Spanish speaker, but her English seemed more fluent than her Spanish, which undermined the validity of the language switch to me.

We're in real idiot plot territory here. Last episode, Ray essentially says to his wife, I know we've got our problems but if you've ever trusted me about anything, keep my dad away from the kids. Even if he's been a huge asshole for years, you'd think a statement like that would have some impact.

Sure, but bemused sufferance is a fairly adult reaction. Connor doesn't seem very mature in most respects, so a more uncomfortable reaction would have been more in character.