Latverian Diplomat

Samatict, I agree, a lot about the Skitter rebellion seems to be driven by plot convenience and budget constraints.

In pointless nerd-ery, one of the components of fairy blood is Francium, which is so rare only an ounce or so exists in the entire  Earth's crust at any given moment. It has a half-life of only 22 minutes, so any sample decays quickly (new Francium is constantly generated by the decay of Actinium).

@avclub-146bc30c345d31f3468fec764a1970e1:disqus I am very sympathetic to your argument here, but I don't completely agree. Clearly one of Azzerello's goals was to reintroduce and reemphasize the Greek mythology elements of the Wonder Woman character.

Unlike your other examples, the Amazon change is consistent with the original Greek mythology.

@avclub-ec581d0fa82907dc6f58d1e70bf346b0:disqus I think Flash could sober up at will, by accelerating his metabolism, but I think that's under his control.

I was left wanting to know a lot more about the skitter rebellion. They have some amazing capabilities. They have developed advanced technology to counter the Espheni bugs (not something the Espheni would have a use for, so the skitter rebels had to have developed it, not stolen it). They can gather intelligence on

Completely agree. Why is it easier for good!Hal to point the gun at himself rather than just toss it away in his moment of control?

It's not clear how much time she had after shooting him to search the car. Also, did she even try to recover the jewels?

Don't storage facilities have video surveillance? It seemed like a foolish place for El Sapo to confront Deb for that reason.

There were two last week, so you have to settle for an average of 1/wk.

She could have had a backup, but she didn't go for it during their fight, which you'd think she would have, if she had one.

Right, I had trouble with the CEO part too.

In fairness, since they all must be men younger than him who predeceased him, death by natural causes was not on the table. Still, a little more variety might have been nice.

Ian Holm?

Spoilers for ancient movie: The hard part is designing the Cube so that each of these douchebags has a unique special skill useful for escape.

I don't know that he made a mistake, as in something that he would do differently. He just had an unfortunate experience with a TV project based on work he did in another medium, which is a pretty common experience among people who have any connection to TV at all.

Because underground is full of Silurians? :-)

I didn't quite get Ike's disdain for Jack Ruby. It's not like Ike's had no association with prostitution, and if he's really interested in Cuba, he probably can't afford to miss out on a connection with someone else who can at least get permission to visit.

If the good guys win by operating the ship inside its design envelope, the ship (or its designer) is the hero.

I liked that twist too. Though I also would have liked it if the parasites weren't beneficial, but the people they chose were still fine with it because it was a chance to contribute to something greater than themselves.