@avclub-e2a6a1ace352668000aed191a817d143:disqus I think we can call it a win on both counts for Cutler.
@avclub-e2a6a1ace352668000aed191a817d143:disqus I think we can call it a win on both counts for Cutler.
@avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus More writers, no. I don't know if it would speed things up, but it still would be nice if they had more voice actors. There's a lot of Hank's voice in St. Cloud, for example.
Between this and the Spanish Fly outcome, I think Rusty would be less of a menace to mankind if he'd just gone ahead and arched his brother, rather than staying a "good guy".
Ah, I thought the issue was about the conference room, not the listening room. Sorry.
I don't think that Joan was making the insinuation that Peggy reacted to.
1968 is a low point in a lot of ways, with the assassinations, the war, Nixon's election, etc.
Was sop opera unintentional? because I kind of like as a derogatory term for melodrama that panders to a wide audience. I disagree that Mad Men does that or that it's a soap opera, but I liked the coinage.
I thought the faceplant was just Don's way of saying "I'm glad I tried hashish, but no, I don't really care for it". :-)
I had the impression that conference room was also used for focus groups and that was why it was wired for audio surveillance?
Yes, and Cutler's revenge was to stick Bob with the client meeting he could sense (correctly) wasn't going to go well.
I think we are more likely to see Sal as a shoe salesman, bank teller or a waiter than as someone in the LA scene. His reputation was absolutely destroyed on the altar of Lucky Strike, and he can't possibly be doing professional work.
Exactly. If you've ever met a True Believer in the Dale Carnegie stuff, they are a lot like Bob.
The best thing is that they both want the same thing (a role for Joan on the Avon account) but disagree about how to accomplish it. And they are both right about different aspects of the situation.
It wasn't Manischewitz specifically freaking out Ginsberg, it was what Cutler said about Ginsberg being part of the corporate death machine by working in advertising. That's why the only thing that Benson said that actually worked was making it specifically about Mansichewitz, a simple product to add enjoyment to…
@avclub-53cf537b92ab0133b708bce0a54778a3:disqus True, and I'm just speculating here.
Ned thought his children were safe (even Sansa was out of immediate danger). I think Catelyn has the worse fate.
So Bran didn't get a dreamtime cataclysm-o-gram about the Red Wedding, did he?
I don't know, in a world where women of Robb's class are routinely exchanged for diplomatic favors, it's pretty arrogant that he balked when that shoe was on the other foot. So, if you want to judge Robb by modern morality, he was unwilling to do what he would have expected of a sister or a daughter without thinking…
Also, one of a King's duties is to father an heir, and Theon can no longer do that.
Walder Frey's old, I don't think he wants to be king of the Riverlands. If he has a weak Tully King under his thumb and married to his daughter, peace, and the Tully bannermen kept in line by that nominal Tully king he gets a better deal than the taking the crown himself.