It looked like there were some barrels and boxes conveniently stacked in front of Grey Wind's stall(?). So Grey Wind might have had easy egress when Robb left him, but then the Frey's "accidentally" blocked him in later.
It looked like there were some barrels and boxes conveniently stacked in front of Grey Wind's stall(?). So Grey Wind might have had easy egress when Robb left him, but then the Frey's "accidentally" blocked him in later.
I'm more interested in what Brynden is going to do. He had a suspiciously well timed exit, but he hasn't been portrayed as the type to have been in on this.
Maybe, but I'm a little skeptical of how confident a man castrated as a boy could feel about his perception of what's going on between Daario and Danaerys.
Odin and his pals used the skull of the giant Ymir for the dome of the sky. In this case, I'm thinking sports stadium.
Well, human civilization is bad news for a lot of apex predators (wolves, bears, lions, tigers, crocodiles, snakes, sharks) who are often portrayed in fairy tales and similar stories as being cruel, treacherous or despotic.
@avclub-c2caab01fdd0be0d4472527e51297c1f:disqus Good catch. What a roster of kids she had: Helen of Troy, Clytemnestra, and Castor & Pollux (the original Gemini twins). Helen and Pollux are the two most often considered to be Zeus's though this is not unanimous.
And a wrongful death civil suit would be a slam dunk as well.
@avclub-0304234e5dac07d007cf06c22b3f29c4:disqus , shorter seasons leading to better shows is almost a given.
I think they toned him down a little bit. Slyly subversive Felix is the best Felix.
Yes, there is a form of IP know as a trade secret. There's no time limit, like with patents but if someone else independently invents the same thing and they patent, you lose the rights. (The law is designed to encourage publication of innovation). Trade secret owners are responsible for keeping it secret, if they…
The ENCODE project claims 80% of the human genome is functional is some way, but that is a controversial figure. Skeptics of their method of determining functionality use more conservative methods indicate it is as low as 10 or 20%.
Thanks. It would have been a nice little character moment to have a couple of people reminisce about missing thunderstorms, and possibly have somebody young listening with no idea what they were talking about.
Is "no lightning" something they've mentioned? Because that is kind of cool (general ridiculousness of the show premise aside).
So, the Temple Guardians of Level 12 don't kill Rachel and Aaron but gently take them captive. This is despite the fact that they just helped slaughter several members of their close knit fanatical band which has been cloistered together for 15 years. (Oh and the slaughter is still going on thanks to the dudes they…
I hope that when Monroe emerges from the tower, Neville, having just conquered North America, is waiting to meet with him orver a nice vegetable tray.
They set up a contrived reason why bringing the gun was a genius move. I liked it better when the other lanterns thought he was nuts. They should have stuck with that.
It's still the universe I think, some areas not amenable to Guardian supervision (e.g., Apokolips and the Vega system are exempt).
So, Korugar is now in planet heaven, orbiting next to Vulcan no doubt.
Johns is really proud of the whole emotional spectrum thing, but it bugs me. Sorry if these are nitpicks, but I just don't think it's all that deep or imaginative.
The best Green Lantern is DCAU John Stewart (not comics John Stewart, unfortunately).