Latverian Diplomat

The next thing for Green Lantern should be to focus on the Corps as a police force, not an Army. They've been doing nothing but fight other Corps for years now.

Good point.

That's a good idea too. With so much of Star Fleet destroyed, it would make sense that the Federation would be behind on exploration and other species would have more of a chance to find things like the Botany Bay.

I mentioned above that several of the action set pieces had more of a Star Wars feel than Star Trek, but there was one dramatic scene that also felt out of place.

I thought a better movie was in the works when Carol Marcus was revealed, as I though the super torpedoes might be a genesis device intended to wipe out Kronos.

I think Voyager was in a class designed to allow frequent atmospheric flight and landfall. But most ships can fly in atmosphere occasion, including solar coronas and gas giant atmospheres. I think we can assume the Enterprise was hovering underwater, not actually resting on the bottom.

Yes, although I thought Weller was fine here playing a similarly xenophobic character, though Admiral Marcus got too shouty at the end. Quiet, stubborn menace would have been better. And it's another evil Star Fleet Admiral, if only Star Fleet had some sort of psychological screening program for people in positions of

I'm harping on this in my other comments, but the "crowded space" thing is another element from Star Wars that got pulled in. The flight through the debris field is the kind of hyperkinetic obstacle course scene Star Wars does well.

That fight was two light sabers shy of something you'd see on Coruscant. Just another symptom of Abrams' desire to do Star Wars films and not Star Trek.

The transporters did or didn't work exactly as needed for dramatic purposes. There was no real effort to be consistent or logical about it.

It's a Star Wars/hyperspace thing. Abrams wants to make Star Wars, not Star Trek, this is one more aspect of SW creeping in, I think.

At one point I thought Khan was in on it with Admiral Marcus and the torpedo thing was to have Khan and his people on Kronos as a fifth column.

I thought those huge interior spaces were too large. How much space is left for quarters, labs, storage, etc.

The parents of the kids right after Axl must have hated her though.

And then one bite and nonchalantly tossed aside.

How plausible is it that almost every case on the judge's docket for the day collapsed when defended by an out of state lawyer who a) is out of practice in the courtroom, b) had thirty seconds to look at each case, and c) has a showboating argumentation style that clearly antagonized the judge.

Other than the high school element, how are those shows a closer fit than Buffy? Like Buffy, Grimm is set in a fixed location and has a large supporting cast of scoobies seen every week, led by a "chosen one" with special abilities.

I'm wondering if they are using the zombie state just for transport, or if he is intended as a weapon.

Since Kenya runs the house, she should really be too busy to have many clients. They could create the same dramatic tension between her and Nolan if they had a more realistic portrayal of her as someone who only takes favored clients on an occasional basis for top $$.

Except for the nanite who develops feelings for Charlie and helps the anti-nanite rebellion. Breakout character!