
Isn't she like 21?

This show is truly insane, and I can barely get through an episode but the generally positive reviews are what keep me coming back. I am surprised week after week. The first episode was interesting, but it just gets progressively worse.

Least convincing tv siblings.

I never saw much of a resemblance between Pierce and Grammer until I watched Frasier's first appearance on Cheers. Young Kelsey Grammer looked exactly like Pierce.

Pam 6.0!

Isla Fisher

Frasier started in 1993, but Kelsey Grammer did still have the same mullet he had since the 80s on Cheers for the first season.

I loved most of Season 6 tbh, the few episodes when they go back to Nancy's hometown were hit or miss for me though.

Blackbird is so blah to me, but I blame that on so many 20 year old girls I know that got a blackbird tattooed on them because that song meant so much to them~

Here Comes the Sun for me, but George is my favorite forever.

I was expecting this to be bad, but in a fun summer television way. Instead it was just boring and forgettable, disappointing. I am also surprised by the Duchovny love, but I think I just don't get his appeal. I mean he was fine, but that is all I ever find him - even on the X Files.

I wish they just made him a Manson-like character and not actually Charles Manson. It leaves me with a bad taste, and I don't think they are doing a good or particularly accurate job so why not just make a fictional character, everyone would now who it was based on.

I am watching this now, but UGH Emma and her mother are only 11 years apart.

I completely agree. All these people that wished Sal would be brought back once they became SCDP perplexed me. That would be one of the most unsatisfying and unrealistic storylines. His end was perfect and realistic to how gay men were treated during this period.

I have watched Mad Men through S5 twice, and I have no memory of Ho-Hoor the Jai Alai subplot people have been mentioning. I feel like I had a stroke.

The dance was HILARIOUS. I am surprised people liked it and found it moving. The only part of Elena's goodbye I liked was Bonnie and the feathers.

I completely agree. I enjoy watching Silicon Valley, but I rarely laugh out loud. They are both different types of humor.

gary's blurry image holding his hand over his mouth as he gasped while Selina asked if that woman's husband finally came out and found out he died may have been my favorite part of the show tonight. So subtle.

I definitely think he looks bigger than he has in the past, but all season so far not suddenly this episode.

I realize we are supposed to believe that map helped Evans find the pack, but I couldn't stop laughing at how hilariously bad/unhelpful it looked but of course he found it with little difficulty.