
I complete agree with this "it becomes clearer that for this show, “not bad” is the ceiling, and “Please God, put this thing out of its misery” is the floor", but I am routinely confused to how this show still gets good grades on here, when "not bad" is pretty much the best it is.

I googled out of curiosity (I thought maybe it would just be a fake name for Melissa Leo too), and it is credited to Luisa Strus http://www.imdb.com/name/nm…

I don't have any real theories, but I thought when the wife said she watched her husband commit suicide she could have also meant he publicly talked about his past knowing it was against the rules/a death sentence. Though it also really did seem like she didn't know anything about his past..

The most promising thing about this show/mystery is that it is a mini series, and let's hope it stays that way.

I never thought I would hate Lennon Parham, but god did I hate seeing her face as Karen on Veep.

I hate Sally more than I hate Rowan which I think says something.

It was all I could think about while I watched it, and how tame Scandal violence was.

I completely agree.

I think because we know how much Megan dislikes Harry the lunch illustrated just how desperate she was (but not THAT desperate).

I really hope that is the last we see of that waitress.

It also starred Rob Low and Sally Field. I watched all 5 seasons and it was a more soapy Parenthood.

This is like in 30 Rock when Liz Lemon was a model in Cleveland.

Yeah, I think there have been Shameless episodes I have hated more but at least I felt something for the show. This was just so mediocre and blah that it was very much what is the point?

They live in a house that is divided into apartment units… I always thought that was very clear there "front door" opens onto a hallway, their living space is small, comments about only one bathroom…. Anyway it is even confirmed again this episode. When Cameron inherits the money Mitchell mentions the unit above them

The live in an house that is divided into apartment units, one of the first things Mitch says when Cameron gets the inheritance is that the unit above them is for sale again and getting this money is a sign they should buy it/expand.

Lily is easily one of the worst kid characters on tv right now, I am shocked people actually like her.

Mitchell and Cam live in a very modest apartment, especially for a lawyer. Claire/Phil I agree.

More Olivia and Mellie! The only spark of anything interesting this episode was between them!

The fact that she didn't force Adam inside to see Hannah when he didn't think it would be good for him is one of the only decent things Jessa has done this season.

Ace is definitely a psycho, just a different vein of psycho.