Cien Anos de Soledad OBrien

I thought that Kennedy/Jaidynn deserved to win, but that Katya and Ginger were the funniest overall. One of the challenges this season seems to be that there is really no standout queen to beat, so to speak.

To answer your final question, no. I know several, Detox and Shannel come to mind, have said on the show that they are tops

The song choices for the LSFYLs seem to be much more obscure than in the past. Money problems?

I agree with you that Kandy is forgettable and boring, but the lip sync edit really did make her seem like the winner, as much as I would like that to not be the case.

Out of curiosity, who do you see as being the top three? I'm a big fan of Katya and Ginger, but neither of them seem like standout winners to me in the vein of, say, Raja or Bianca Del Rio.

This season seems to be particularly harsh on the older queens in the competition, Tempest/Jasmine/MKD, while being overly forgiving of the younger queens, Pearl/Violet, based on some vague idea of 'promise'.

Getting IVF is still vastly cheaper than hiring a surrogate. Excellent piece though.

Thank you!!

AV Club Request: Can you not put the picture of the queen who gets kicked off above the story? It appears on the main page and has spoiled the last two eliminations for me before I was able to watch the episode.

That seems unlikely, given that they are told the LSFYL song in advance to allow them to prepare.

He made me feel less hot!

He made me feel less hot!

At least I still have this nice glass of Chardonnay! Wait … damn it.

At least I still have this nice glass of Chardonnay! Wait … damn it.

They've lost their survival instinct, much like mice infected with toxoplasma parasites.

They've lost their survival instinct, much like mice infected with toxoplasma parasites.

Getting your news from the Op Eds may be a problem as well.

Getting your news from the Op Eds may be a problem as well.

Is she weird? Is she white? Is she promised to the night?

Is she weird? Is she white? Is she promised to the night?