Cien Anos de Soledad OBrien

I totally agree. Raja never had a bad runway and Violet is the closest person since season 3 to near that standard.

I disagree with points 1-3. Trixie and Ginger were clearly the bottom pair. Who was worse than them? We've reached a point in the competition where everyone is performing so well that the difference between the top and bottom is much more subtle than it was early in the season.

She's made a lot of offhanded snarky comments, like in the first episode when she said she didn't have enough fat to push together to make breasts, etc. A big part of her reputation as a bitch is probably just the resting stank-face she gives.

Her "I nailed the look, but what else is new?" made me bust out laughing, and she wasn't wrong. Her talent makes her snarkiness MUCH more palatable.

The Fake Housewives were so good that it almost felt like they deserved their own challenge! Trixie's was excellent as well.

Nah, I agree with Oliver's take on it: Ginger matched the spirit of the song much better than Trixie did and was connecting much more with the judges. That said, I felt bad for Trixie most of this episode because she just looked terrified of what she must have known was coming.

They're less popular now than they used to be, which has led the fanboys to tone it down a bit, I think.

It wasn't terrible, but it was definitely in the bottom three (though ahead of the other two by a decent margin, they were pretty rough). I think ultimately her lack of versatility compared to the other girls is going to send her home, probably within the next few episodes when more solo challenges come up (AT LAST).

That argument would hold more weight if she had been doing poorly in challenges (she hasn't) or had some celebrity status outside of Drag Race (Fame and Courtney). It almost feels like she always needs to be defended now, not because I'm big fan, but because she seems to be attracting so much undeserved hate.

Agreed. If ever there was a challenge in this season that played to Fame's strong suit (the FACE) it was this one, and she was on the bottom.

That entire Calexico and Iron & Wine EP is fantastic. "Dead Man's Will" is also an excellent track.

I tend to agree with the judges' critique of Katya for not going far enough as Suze Orman. She was funny, but was too restrained and should have gone more over the top.

I think tonight was Katya's best runway look thus far. So good.

I'd love Trixie or Tempest to come back. Tempest would definitely be eliminated again immediately, but it would be nice to see her for a little longer.

But the note looks SO good on the runway. I think that and her relative higher popularity going into the competition are all that are keeping her there at this point.

I don't know, I think I felt this way toward the beginning, but the season has been improving markedly as it's gone along. I think we were a little spoiled by how good season 6's Snatch Game was (my favorite thus far) and are forgetting how bad some of the past seasons' were. What about season 4, where Jiggly and Phi

I tend to contrast her a lot to Miss Fame. Both have amazing looks, but Violet brings tons more to the challenges, despite her negative attitude. She's growing on me!

This makes a JDF Miss Congeniality all the more likely now.

Maybe that's what she was referencing when she talked about having reverted to some of her old ways without her husband around? What separates her shade from, say, that of Violet, is that it is both biting and humorous.

I loved Fame in both the episode and in Untucked last night. She is absolutely a weirdo, but it gives me LIFE.