Cien Anos de Soledad OBrien

Wait, is she the Keymaster or the Gatekeeper?

Wait, is she the Keymaster or the Gatekeeper?

Oh god, you beat me to it.

Oh god, you beat me to it.

Hey, corporations are people my friend.

Hey, corporations are people my friend.

Yeah, the review reads like a C-/D+.

Yeah, the review reads like a C-/D+.

Breathe deep the gathering Dawes.

Breathe deep the gathering Dawes.

Hey everybody, we're all gonna get laid!

Hey everybody, we're all gonna get laid!

Come for The Hater, stay for @avclub-a2c49962ab5fdf70fd33f1a20bd5462c:disqus's anti-Hater tirades!

Come for The Hater, stay for @avclub-a2c49962ab5fdf70fd33f1a20bd5462c:disqus's anti-Hater tirades!

You know you're a redneck when you go to the AV Club and say, "Hey! Where are all the adult videos?!"

The Bill of Lefts.

A Clash

A Clash

I'd hate to be fucking the dude who ate your brownie.

I'd hate to be fucking the dude who ate your brownie.