
God damn, I love Dido's voice.

It could be Phil Collins, but everyone who knows me has already had that conversation.

I miss their shortly-post-The-Spark days. It was always fun when you could search for matches while also reading about Christian Rudder's stinky feet.

If the white supremacists and the Juggalos clash, "WHO'S GOIN' CHICKEN HUNTIN'?" will be a terrifying rallying cry. Can you imagine 1,000 Juggalos yelling "WE'S GOIN' CHICKEN HUNTIN'!" before smashing up some Nazis?

ICP's discography is a 30-year treatise on how to treat bigots. Hint: It's not kindly.

I thought UKS and Master of None stumbled in their most recent seasons. You know what didn't? Bojack Horseman. Winner!

That's only 4.6% of the vote. I'm taking the over.

Is there ever a cross-burning that's not meant to intimidate? Or to foment violence?

Oh, so you mean with statues in the town square?

Try to find a live version with the extended lead-in. It's pretty magical.

I unabashedly love Ellie Goulding, and I love that song. But I still always refer to it as Love Me Like You (Are Contractually Obligated To) Do.

Martin Luther King, Jr. had a whole speech about white moderates who value order over justice.

If it's possible, you could perhaps go back to school in a foreign program. My girlfriend starts her Master's program later this month. And fortunately, I already have my M.S. And that's why we're now in the Netherlands.

Right, because the worst that can happen is "Hey, all those things you did in order to win a supermajority in the legislature? Those things weren't cool." By which point it won't matter because they'll still have that supermajority.

I've got laser eyes!
And I know what you're thinking!

She is almost certainly better off than he is right now.

It's like those things where you just keep choosing the middle word on your text message predictor.

given the freed slaves unincorporated territory in the West

It's Temer - no first R.

Also, it got 60 Senate votes. These guys were trying to pass their bullshit with 50.