Dr. Necessiter

it's alright. it's okay. jesus loves you.

I have seen the future. In the future. Team Prison decides to flee the battle, but receives word that Andrea is being held captive. An away team consisting of Rick, Michonne and Daryl attempt a rescue while the remnant remains behind to prepare their departure. Meanwhile, the Governor chooses to attack. The Prisoners

Man, if they need a sci-fi series as convoluted as game of thrones, they ought to get Gene Wolfe on the line. The Book of the New Sun ftw!

Eric Bana will always be Homer's Hector for me. It's okay. Not great.

I agree with the post who noted that, if you're going to be a "bible-believing, born again" anything, you might as well face up to the fact that the God of bronze-age Israel actually DID hate gays, foreigners, lepers, people with periods, textiles, etc…at least, "hate" in the sense that he had a fairly knee-jerk

And then she shimmied up Wilshire like a little silk worm…

I like that trailer more than any movie I've seen in the past decade.


I…I…I don't know what to say. No one has ever agreed with me before. I feel so vulnerable.

"These five oceans are not separate bodies of water; they form one continuous oceanic mass. The boundaries between these five oceans arose over time for a variety of historical, cultural, geographical, and scientific reasons."

Actually, I think there's a sort of negative momentum in the commentary that isn't giving the show it's props for setting up a very carefully balanced conflict between Rick, who is chaotic good, and the Governor, who is chaotic evil. Both have their tendencies and both are restrained from those tendencies by

Ahhh, trading spaces. Now, I remember.  Thanks, trixiestreats!

Ah, the show that gave us that Ty guy from Extreme Home Makeover Whatever Edition and Stuff. See you in hell, WNTW.

"Acting in theater is like raising a child. I don't give a damn that you're 12 years old, or 11 years old, or that you're a child, or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care about what you do as far as I'm concerned. You have humiliated me for the last time with this phone." Alec Baldwin

As an anti-exorcist (or pro-possession) activist, I just want it said that when a woman is possessed against her will, the female spirit has ways of shutting that whole thing down.

Still not Rick's fault. The governor is projecting power throughout the region. Rick is rescuing his people. Big difference. Hell, the writers are going well and out of their way to show you the difference between them. Take the Tyrese thing. The governor can't spare a car or weapons for them. Five minutes later, Rick

Rick/Shane armed children reluctantly in in order to give them the tools necessary to save their lives. The Gub arms children forcefully in order to murder human beings who threaten his power. I think that's the thrust of the show's perspective on their difference, at any rate.

Using my powers of prognostication, I predict that the Werner Herzog directed "Damien Echols: If I Did It" will win best documentary in 2019.

Man, Hickmans a tough act to follow. He's a bit of a world builder…and I do mean "world", it's pretty much the same "hyper-evolved new faction with mystic science" stuff every time…but those who follow him on a run tend to bobble the job. See the ultimates…fantastic first few issues followed by the complete collapse

Also, Everything Burrito, Crusty Crab Burger, Scoobie Snacks, Homerian Ambrosia and maybe those dumplings made from fetuses in that one Asian film.