Dr. Necessiter

Since we're on the subject of hating Mumford and Sons, I'll tell ya why they bug me. They always did, but I couldn't figure out why. My brother-in-law is a religious type, a minister in the vineyard church. Few weeks ago, in Disney World, he tells me, all proud, that some of the M&S guys have a father who's some big

Tonight's episode of Breaking Bad is a full 54 minutes (set your DVRS accordingly) of Hank and Walt staring at each other in a dimly lit garage. At the end of the episode, Walt leaves the garage. Hank says, "See ya, Heisenberg!" and Walt says "Tread lightly, asshole."

Couple of things that got my attention.

Hey, we could put our ideas together and have an episode that begins with Hank's realization and then follows his perspective throughout the hour as he stalks Walt, talks over the issue in his mind, his relationships, and eventually discovers that Walt is still in the meth game. Like, he sees Walt meeting with White

Yeah, my wife and I (she's real enough) laughed at most of her time in the SHU. My wife was like, "She's been in there, what, six hours?" I mean, I guess that it's possible that Piper has always been six hours of solitude away from a psychotic break or something, but it seemed silly.

My personal theory is that Walt hasn't quit, at all, but that he's trying to REALLY be Fring now, cooking nice dinners in his home while other people do the dirty work.

Thinking about it, I do have one question that I feel hasn't been answered. Why, at the end of the 5th season (1.0) did Walt quit meth? Or, I guess, did he really quit? I mean, the whole point was building an empire, not making money. Why would a pile of money make him quit? Did he have some deep realization (the fly

Actually, this whole notion reminds me of Shantung Compound, Langdon Gilkey's book about Western Civilian POWS in a Japanese internment camp in China during WW2. That book was interesting in a Lord of the Flies sort of way, and its drama was in how the adults first came together to build a model society, how that

So, if Cars is generally the weak link and Toy Story films are always strong, what's the best Pixar Run that doesn't include a Toy Story or Cars Film? 1995-2005 (Bug's Life, Monsters Inc, Finding Nemo, The Incredibles) or 2007-2012 (Ratatouille, Wall-E, Up, Brave)?

Spock; Maaaarcussss!!!
Scotty: He's already dead.
Spock: Khaaaaaaaaaaan!!!!

You are correct in your niggling, sir, but I'd still give The Natural, Bull Durham their props. Also, "Don't Look Back: The Satchel Paige Story" gets bonus points for having Cleavon Little.

Micheal Rooker was in 8 Men Out. He is also in JFK with Kevin Bacon. One Degree, chumps!

Man, I have to say it. I enjoyed cheers, more or less, throughout it's run. For me, the weakness of it's middle years were due, largely, to the loss of Coach. He was the heart of the show. If you don't believe me, watch the last five minutes of "Coach's Daughter", S1E5. Woody, although amusing and likable, was no

Honestly, an X-Files/NCIS procedural set inside the Marvel Universe? I want to give it ALLLLL my money! It could very well be awesome. Think about it. This is a universe in which every scientific experiment produces a super-powered hero or menace, half the population is just one dose of radiation away from heisting

It's interesting to compare the voiceover in Badlands with the Manz voiceover in Days of Heaven. They're very similar in their way. In fact, I'm not sure if you can really "get" Badlands without Days of Heaven.  The two are of a piece. Hell, it's almost a prequel, when you think about it. It's almost like Malick was

"When I Grow Up" was memorable. As was "Come A Long Way". I only know this from banging that fatandsloppy's sister, though.

This. If you watch it sort of like King of Kong, a movie about the trivialization of triumph or somesuch, it becomes a heartbreaking work of staggering genius. Really, what's the difference between watching an old film over and over, perfecting a TECHNIQUE of watching that film based upon a personal hermeneutic, and

How, I wonder, do you represent, say, the virgin birth for "the skeptic"?

Conservatives are the jilted junior high school boyfriends of the common era. Long after the culture has moved on, attended a liberal arts college, experimented with lesbianism, and married a prominent local lawyer, the Conservative Cult will be sleeping in its mother's basement masturbating to a picture of her on the

CO-ven. long "o".