Dr. Necessiter

I know right? Take Christians for example. One guy gets scapegoated, and they won't shut up about it for, like 2000 years!

Honestly, it sort of falls apart when you think about it. I've got a six-year old, for example, and, sure, he likes to fly and pull on blankets like a dog, but he really doesn't get the whole "but you'll be dead" bit of the picture, just yet.

Man, this film had that feel of "NIce short, think you can build a movie around it?" This was the first time in a while (I don't get out much) when I actually felt the studio reaching out of the screen to grab my cash in a most uninspired way.

"See, Mr. Armstrong, I don't think that a man of your intelligence should be commended for simply, and at long last, telling the truth" *applause*

You know, you're right.And now that I think of it, evil towns and the ladies have a long history together. Wicker Man, Witch Trials, Women Without Bones, so forth and so on.

Awww, man. I was hoping AMS would keep on the "horrific context" track and move on to "evil town" territory. You know, secret cults, odd festivals with violent undertones, Indian burial grounds, traitorous founders.. all that groovy stuff.

A well written examination of themes surrounding the horrors of muff would be fantastic…witches, psycho mothers, succubi, vagina dentata, etc…but this is American Horror Story, so, you know, whatever.

No way, best line ever. It's like being a sculptor is so awful that, even for the sake of true love, he can't imagine it being worth his effort. "If I were a sculptor…no, fuck that sculpting shit."

Ive always preferred Madman Across The Water. The title track, Levon, Tiny Dancer…those feel like his best to me. Great Bsides like Razorface, Rotten Peaches, Holiday Inn and Goodbye. Between the two, I think MATW is the better show.

You know what NYPDB handled well? Alcholism. I can't remember another show having a more grounded, consistent treatment of Alcoholism and Recovery over such a long period of broadcast.

Franz-Ass is the original Man-Ass.

I'm of the opinion that "scary" is a highly subjective term and conditioned by the individuals concept of violation.

Wallingford is basically New Haven, isn't it? The rest of those places are in Canada, so who knows. As far as the American SE goes, it's Atlanta, Memphis, Tampa, Miami, Louisville and New Orleans. Not a bad spread, really, and you'd prob have to go out of your way to be more than 4 hours from one of those shows in the

Dammit, I wish he'd pull a Tom Waits and hit smaller cities. Everybody knows the deal is rotten, indeed!

Moebius style! Or like the Hadron Collider of Crap!

Twist: Jennifer Connelly on back end, ass to ass!

Tom Sizemore. Has to be.

Man, framing a woman who is 9 months pregnant with truffle fries is like shooting fish in a barrel. The mother of my children would have strangled a manatee in the nude on live television for a truffle fry when she was 9 months on. In fact, if you walk down the street with a truffle fry sticking half the way out of

Watching DA and then reading reviews is like going to bed with a nun and waking up with a whore. Watching it, I'm all like, "Ha! Take that, Sister Mary Catherine!" and then, the next day, it's like, "Where's my wallet?"

So, celebrity is the new aristocracy. Sniff. Whatever. *goes back into hat room*.