Dr. Necessiter

Lotsa folks talking about how political or whatever RATM was/is/yeah. All I know is, when I was in college, they seemed a whole lot more political than I was and that made me feel bad about only wanting to have sex with people and use drugs. This, fortunately, gave my sexamajob and narcostuffy a sweet, naughty flavor

Lotsa folks talking about how political or whatever RATM was/is/yeah. All I know is, when I was in college, they seemed a whole lot more political than I was and that made me feel bad about only wanting to have sex with people and use drugs. This, fortunately, gave my sexamajob and narcostuffy a sweet, naughty flavor

*sigh*…yeah, I agree…

*sigh*…yeah, I agree…

Well, yes and no. On the one hand, Shane, the other cracker cop from small-town Georgia, had to die, eventually, for the sake of the Grimes' place of primacy in the narrative. On the other, T-Dogg, the other black, Urban character was never truly allowed to live for the sake of Tyrese. So, yeah, but no. I'm not saying

Well, yes and no. On the one hand, Shane, the other cracker cop from small-town Georgia, had to die, eventually, for the sake of the Grimes' place of primacy in the narrative. On the other, T-Dogg, the other black, Urban character was never truly allowed to live for the sake of Tyrese. So, yeah, but no. I'm not saying

Honestly, I think Tyrese has always been the reason that T-Dogg was short-changed in development.

Honestly, I think Tyrese has always been the reason that T-Dogg was short-changed in development.

In the preview, Beth laid a little cheek-smackage on the Grimes. This, I interpret, supports my "Beth is the new Andrea-From-the-Comics" theory.

In the preview, Beth laid a little cheek-smackage on the Grimes. This, I interpret, supports my "Beth is the new Andrea-From-the-Comics" theory.

"And just how many men the Governor has at his disposal"…

"And just how many men the Governor has at his disposal"…

Wait, you mean that pornstars don't wake up every day in a pit of despair, their souls crushed at the thought of another day of having their every moment co-opted and their every creative thought suppressed by a heartless parody of human intimacy? You mean…that was me, all along? Noooooooooo!

Wait, you mean that pornstars don't wake up every day in a pit of despair, their souls crushed at the thought of another day of having their every moment co-opted and their every creative thought suppressed by a heartless parody of human intimacy? You mean…that was me, all along? Noooooooooo!

"She's hit bottom and broken through to a whole new bottom I know nothing about!" Larry Sanders Show (Corrected for Gender).

"She's hit bottom and broken through to a whole new bottom I know nothing about!" Larry Sanders Show (Corrected for Gender).

OOOOOOHHH! Let the speculation as to the nature of Matthew's death begin. CancerAIDS?

OOOOOOHHH! Let the speculation as to the nature of Matthew's death begin. CancerAIDS?

You know, it would be a nice callback to the first episode of the season for somebody to say, "Hey, you remember that small herd to the Southwest, the one with about 100 head or whatever? Yeah, let's bring them with us."

You know, it would be a nice callback to the first episode of the season for somebody to say, "Hey, you remember that small herd to the Southwest, the one with about 100 head or whatever? Yeah, let's bring them with us."