Dr. Necessiter

Man, there's TWO black people on the away team. Them folk gonna get all confused and not know who to shoot. It's like on Thanksgiving when you get Turkey AND a honey-baked ham.

Man, there's TWO black people on the away team. Them folk gonna get all confused and not know who to shoot. It's like on Thanksgiving when you get Turkey AND a honey-baked ham.

I just want to take a few minutes and personally thank the devil for the Megan Fox episode. Nice one, Prince of Darkness! High Five!

I just want to take a few minutes and personally thank the devil for the Megan Fox episode. Nice one, Prince of Darkness! High Five!

She has. It's called "Crazy Honky Island".

She has. It's called "Crazy Honky Island".

Zero-Rick-Thirty! But, yeah, it's shaping up to be a Team Grimes Assault Squad vs. Utopian Cult kind of thing. I think I even heard Rick pull the "Stay in Formation" line out of his bag during the march to the Hermitage.

Zero-Rick-Thirty! But, yeah, it's shaping up to be a Team Grimes Assault Squad vs. Utopian Cult kind of thing. I think I even heard Rick pull the "Stay in Formation" line out of his bag during the march to the Hermitage.

Man, you guys are reading Michonne all wrong. In my opinion, she is doing exactly what any, reasonable, ethnic minority member would do in a world that has apparently destroyed all but a disproportionately caucasian and insane remnant of civilization. She's keeping her mouth shut, approaching everyone as if they could

Man, you guys are reading Michonne all wrong. In my opinion, she is doing exactly what any, reasonable, ethnic minority member would do in a world that has apparently destroyed all but a disproportionately caucasian and insane remnant of civilization. She's keeping her mouth shut, approaching everyone as if they could

Billy who?

Billy who?

You just may.

You just may.

I'm calling bullshit. No fatigue enzymes? No muscle repair! They'd be hopelessly arthritic and/or crippled in hours.

I'm calling bullshit. No fatigue enzymes? No muscle repair! They'd be hopelessly arthritic and/or crippled in hours.

Well, to be honest, the modern American zombie myth is pretty much the same. Imagine being stuck for all eternity as a soulless American consumer, eating fast food and wandering around the mall. Yikes.

Well, to be honest, the modern American zombie myth is pretty much the same. Imagine being stuck for all eternity as a soulless American consumer, eating fast food and wandering around the mall. Yikes.

We gather vital zombie tropes and retreat to the region of Romero, abandoning well-supplied, non-essential memes in the regions of Kirkman and Wright to distract the zombie media horde?

We gather vital zombie tropes and retreat to the region of Romero, abandoning well-supplied, non-essential memes in the regions of Kirkman and Wright to distract the zombie media horde?