Dr. Necessiter

I'm telling you guys, they should totally make blonde farmer-girl the new Andrea. She's got the right look, she's younger (like in the comic) and has a great potential arch going from hick to hardened sniper. Plus, as another poster has mentioned, you get great Oedipal tension between Rick and Carl. In the comic,

I'm telling you guys, they should totally make blonde farmer-girl the new Andrea. She's got the right look, she's younger (like in the comic) and has a great potential arch going from hick to hardened sniper. Plus, as another poster has mentioned, you get great Oedipal tension between Rick and Carl. In the comic,

Oh, I hope he did it. I think that Carl would be much more interesting if he makes it to that "Who's the little serial killer?" place he occupies in the comics.

Oh, I hope he did it. I think that Carl would be much more interesting if he makes it to that "Who's the little serial killer?" place he occupies in the comics.

You know, I've been wondering if the young blond girl, Hershel's daughter, isn't on tap to become the comic-Andrea analogue for the show. She's younger, like comic-Andrea, and has the look. TV Andrea is so different from comic-Andrea that she's pretty much an entirely new character capable of anything, even humping

You know, I've been wondering if the young blond girl, Hershel's daughter, isn't on tap to become the comic-Andrea analogue for the show. She's younger, like comic-Andrea, and has the look. TV Andrea is so different from comic-Andrea that she's pretty much an entirely new character capable of anything, even humping

Oh, dear Lord. If the show's lori-phone is anywhere near as annoying as its lori, it will be robo-calling for Romney.

Oh, dear Lord. If the show's lori-phone is anywhere near as annoying as its lori, it will be robo-calling for Romney.

If it's a baby born in a zombie apocalypse by emergency caesarian performed with a swiss army knife, the female body has ways of shutting that whole lactation thing down.

If it's a baby born in a zombie apocalypse by emergency caesarian performed with a swiss army knife, the female body has ways of shutting that whole lactation thing down.

I don't think this season is getting any easier. Ten bucks says it gets worse until, maybe next episode, Rick gives his famous, crowd-pleasing "WE ARE THE WALKING DEAD" speech from the comics.

I don't think this season is getting any easier. Ten bucks says it gets worse until, maybe next episode, Rick gives his famous, crowd-pleasing "WE ARE THE WALKING DEAD" speech from the comics.

Urethane, baby!

Urethane, baby!

There's not a whole lot on my body that's just… skidagged. Dinked, danked, gidagged, dooffed, banked - you name it, it's on there.

There's not a whole lot on my body that's just… skidagged. Dinked, danked, gidagged, dooffed, banked - you name it, it's on there.

Eagerly anticipating the sight of Justin Bieber smoldering in the light of a Tatooine sunset.

Eagerly anticipating the sight of Justin Bieber smoldering in the light of a Tatooine sunset.

If it's a legitimate childhood rape, the psyche has ways of shutting that whole thing down.

If it's a legitimate childhood rape, the psyche has ways of shutting that whole thing down.