That would mean he's done the reverse though… if Sara were meant to die with her family fighting Darhk, then his recruiting her ended up preserving a girl who was supposed to die.
That would mean he's done the reverse though… if Sara were meant to die with her family fighting Darhk, then his recruiting her ended up preserving a girl who was supposed to die.
"Although Rip actually managed to have a good reason to not tell her about it."
So after they blow up the Prime Radiant hooked to the Eye of Harmony, Savage plagiarizes the series finale to ST:TNG while Rip decides to work on his Marty McFly building dives.
No reason to be unpleasant. I'm more than willing to agree that they're both damaged people who've lied to the other and, all things being equal, probably deserve each other.
I suppose to my mind the difference is that the mother demanded that Oliver promise to keep it a secret, even when he explicitly asked to be allowed to tell Felicity. Sure, he buggered that almost immediately, but for once keeping a big secret for dumb reasons wasn't his idea.
But how does a cell phone signal get through a bunker specifically designed to block radiation?
I don't know if that answers the question. Felicity tracked the cell phone Thea used, but Oliver and Diggle's comms go out the second they enter the Arhk, which suggests that being in there blocks wireless comm devices. The real question is "how did that cell phone work?"
Agree with the reviewer overall, but to return to his point last week: for heaven's sake, if a Russian nuclear missile destroyed an American town, people would be LOSING THEIR MINDS. There would be martial law, grounding of international flights, wide-scale protests and calls for retaliation, and tanking of the world…
"It will be defined by being another strong season of a show that takes place in reality…"
The Megging of Alex continues, and they still insist on giving Manny a speaking role. Ugh.
Donna with Lance: "So honey, while I was rifling through your personal belongings I stole this affidavit in which you say you didn't know your daughter was the Black Canary. I need you to know that signing it would be a dishonest act, and I won't love you if you do."
We can only assume that she is gradually digitizing them and then uploading them to her Grimmblr.
"Not that I'm really undercover, since I'm using my real name and clothes and tools. More like overcover. Not that I'm being unsafe! Very careful, fix a bad guy's fridge, leave a bug in the water dispenser. A, a waterproof bug, of course. Unless they don't have a water dispenser! Then I have to get creative, maybe use…
Trubel's commitment to updating the Instagrimm database truly is a delight.
Making Ray the Meg/Britta of the team is one of the few character beats the show has done right.
"Ah ha!" the writers said. "You thought the writing on this show was simply terrible, but every single time the plot or characters have been moronic, contradictory, pointless, or outright dumb, it was because the Time Masters were manipulating the timeline! Wheels within really dumb wheels, suckers!"
Donna: "So Lance, you know this document I stole after rifling through your personal belongings when you weren't home? Well, signing it would be a dishonest act, and I wouldn't love you anymore if you did it."
Twain also wrote 'Cooper's Prose Style', in which he does specifically critique Last of the Mohicans. So Hyperbolic Norbit isn't hallucinating Twain's disdain for that book.
Random question: did taking the Flash's speed actually cure Zoom of his weird speed cancer? His lightning is still blue, which as far as the show's logic goes means "sick speedster". Has this been addressed?