Marci Kiser

While I enjoy Eva Green's performance, her character has been the weakest part of the show almost since the beginning. The writers have made her into a perpetual victim, someone who's endlessly acted upon, with no real goals or agency or drive to take positive steps. So we get just endless scenes of her crouched on

I feel like this is the conversation Savage's goons have had throughout history.

I like the actor well enough, but seriously, fudge Dong. Their romance makes no sense and the character is boring. I have never seen any reason for her to be even remotely attracted to him.

Weirdly I worry the show wouldn't survive this. If they ever started giving us scenes of Monroe and Rosalee with a little Blutsbau, then whenever they'd cut away I'd just be groaning and saying "crap, back to the harsh reality of everything that isn't that."

I would truly love if this became A Recurring Grimm Thing, up there with the Wu-wit and Renard's perpetual shirtlessness.

Makes you appreciate how Wesen are probably dead-on in their instinctive fear of Grimms. Also how low a bar it is for Nick to be considered a "nice Grimm". Oh, he's not a degenerate sociopath who murders entire species on sight? He's just kind of a dick and an occasional serial killer? Bake that man a pie!

"We need you to start sleeping with Hank to help the cause."
"Hank? You mean the guy with no guile, no powers, and no real value to speak of? Are you sure you don't mean Nick?"
"No, definitely Hank. Nick is sleeping with Adalind."
"You mean the girl Renard had a kid with?"
"Yes, her."
"But I'm supposed to get to Nick

1) That poor medical examiner. I worry about her. "Ah, another body in Portland, the only American city with the per-capita murder rate of inner Somalia. What's this one, stuffed full of acorns and wrapped around a dead monkey? Christ, is it noon yet? Can I please start drinking now?"

No! Her wig is a joy and delight and I laughed every time it made an appearance.

Fair enough, and blah blah this show has a giant man-shark as a villain, but in my experience, guys who look like Lothar of the Hill People (see Zolomon's mug shot) generally don't have it together enough to be brilliant scientists.

"Wait, how do we know that once you have the Flash's speed you won't just murder Wally and the rest of us instantly?"
"I won't!"
"You promise?"
"For realsies?"
"Yes! No takebacks."
"And should your being a serial killer make us doubt your honesty?"
"Heavens, no!"
"Wait, why not?"
"Well on my earth, serial killers

That's discriminatory against people with only half a face. Don't be such a whole-faceist. #demonshaming

Maz stalks into the middle of the fight and tells both Lucifer and Amenadiel that they've "both used her as their pawns."

"The victim is in here. Name's D. C. Connicks, made a fortune publishing 'Vertigo' magazine."

I'm pretty sure you just invented "Sliders".

Listen to Elliott Smith, Tiny Rick!

Right, like someone would just joke about a threesome with Bitsie Tulloch and Claire Coffee for no reason

But he's a Grimm and she has a weird skull-face. It works on so many levels!

Young Grimms today have no time for those old grimmoires. Too busy posting woge'd wesen on Instagrimm.

When Nick was looking at her, I assumed he was wanting to say "Seriously, what is with these technicolor wigs? Woman, no one would recognize you anyway."