Marci Kiser

"I am a wife, mother, author, and educator."

You're the man telling women that their opinion of what counts as a strong female character is wrong, and I'm the one who's being insulting? All I've done is point out your behavior.

Goodness. You're a terrible human being. Blocked.

"Where… where am I?"
"Hello, Mr. Lothbrook! Welcome to Mormon Heaven!"

My two girls enjoy the show quite a bit, with their favorite characters being Lagertha and Gisla, respectively. As a man, please feel free to explain to them why their opinions are wrong.

It really could go either way, couldn't it? Ivar like you say could be totally blasé about his mother being killed. On the other hand, this is the woman who saved his life and from whom he breastfed until he was at least 5-6(?) years old.

"His story with its misogyny and male-centric organization…"

"Hirst has to submit her to an anachronistic lesbian plotpoint…"

"The Last Kingdom is, on the whole, better plotted and perhaps more coherent."

I thought the implication was that Aslaug wanted Lagertha to kill her. As a deposed queen and grief-stricken mother she had nowhere to go but down. Where was the virtue in living to be an old broken woman? Lagertha let her die as a Viking queen and (as far as anyone knows) join her son Ivar in the afterlife.

No, but only because the main character, when faced with a problem, doesn't choose the most short-sighted and arse-ended solution imaginable.

Frankly, this is brilliant. Either their antics make 'Passengers' a successful movie despite it not being a good one, or 'Passengers' will tank, but a year from now no one will remember the movie and everyone will remember how adorable Chris Pratt and Jennifer Lawrence were. Even if they're only doing it to

"It's not an 'M'. On my world, it means 'genocide'."

Goodness, you're mean. I don't think you understood a single word I said.

"Though I like Chris Wood a lot, I remain uncomfortable with the show ditching Kara’s black love interest only to immediately saddle her with a white one."

"Yes because complaining about an Anti-Trump anything dovetails to being a white nationalist."

Yeah, I'll stick with smart people who take their job seriously and study a problem for years over your imaginary union worker friends.

You believe a lot of demonstrably false things.

You mean like all the mass shootings by angry white males?

Well, fiddlesticks. Now I'll never know.