Thank you for dedicating so many words to not caring.
Thank you for dedicating so many words to not caring.
I will never understand anyone like yourself, who seems to believe that he shouldn't want nicer things. Why not have good action, adventure, characterization and get science terms right?
I love the idea of Ray being the Britta of the team. "Dammit Ray!" would be a great catchphrase.
You speak the truth. I didn't even want to get into the issue with
penetration you mention, or the fact that between the various nuclear
plants, uranium mines, and every New England basement at the time, their magical ultra-sensitive worldwide scan for alpha particles would light up like a Christmas tree.
"repeat to yourself it's just a show, I should really just relax", love.
That's the thinking fans of well-written genre fiction have been arguing against for decades. There's no reason you should be so willing to settle for moronic writing. Seriously! Your sci-fi/fantasy can be well-written and goofily fun to watch. You're allowed to want better things.
I almost choked on my egg roll when Palmer said his suit "readily emits alpha particles", therefore making it easy to track. Alpha particles are incredibly dangerous - they're what the radon in your basement puts out - and if even one gets into your lungs it's guaranteed cancer. Everyone Ray's ever worn that suit…
Feel free to back that up.
Yes, the historic feminist archetypes of Slutty the Innkeeper, Labour RapeThreat, Blindy McDeadmom, and Libelous van SonInJail.
If you're going to criticize the clunkiness of the pilot, maybe don't do it with a review that is rife with typos. The above is barely literate.
I never thought much about Chelsea Handler until I heard her interview on WTF. She comes off as the most vacuous, least insightful person I've ever heard. Glad to see she's sticking with her strengths.
"Wait, he was calling himself Coach Feratu? What, what, was he doing a bit?!"
1) Joan and Sherlock decided they knew what was best for Bell with the "this case study is all you need" manipulation is just a shitty way to manipulate a friend.
Your conspiracy theory isn't helped by it being almost entirely laid out in MRA bro-jargon.
Not much to hang this theory on, but given that PC Principal is always screaming at Leslie to shut up, might he be some sort of ad-blocker?
"When you actually pay attention to the show, these unlikely coincidences are neither "unlikely" nor "coincidental"."
I don't know if it's entirely fair to criticize "May" instead of "Mei" as an anglicization, considering both involve rendering into the Roman alphabet names that are not naturally written in it. Consider the Vietnamese surname 'Nguyen', also rendered Nyguyen, Yuen, Yuan, and Ruan. Whether you go with "Mei" or "May" is…
Well, no… you're saying "Ward was planning to "draw SHIELD out" by killing Andrew." Or, you were saying that.
Even ignoring my point about the guns above, then you're back to "Wow, Ward just happened to be planning to kill Andrew at the EXACT MOMENT that said killing happens to give him leverage to get away from May!"
Agent Deus ExMachina: "So glad you're here, May. Was planning on heading out with the truckful of weapons that Hunter so kindly supplied, looking to cause a little mayhem. Draw SHIELD out. When instead, you came to me."