Marci Kiser

I've had this hilarious image of Kid Strucker following Andrew everywhere (the shower, the movies) since recognizing this.

No disrespect intended, but citing one instance of lazy writing to justify another instance of lazy writing isn't making the point you think it is.


This is a really tiresome dodge that gets used on every show with any fantasy elements. Yes, the show's core mythology is supernatural, but the implicit contract of fantasy series with the viewer is that, save for the core concept and characters we've all agreed to accept, the show should otherwise be realistic.

Malaria is curable, especially when treated early.

Neither influenza nor cholera are blood-borne diseases. That knife sucks at biology.

But doesn't all of this just prove Josh Duggar and the FRC right? We've been hearing for years that gay marriage was destroying "traditional" marriage. Clearly teh gay has so damaged Josh's marriage that he had no choice but to fuck one of Ashley Madison's "guaranteed affair" prostitutes.

So don't care if the show is poorly written, because the writers don't? That's just depressing.

Obviously if I'm watching Hannibal I include myself in that observation. It's called self-awareness. So go on, yourself. That's right. And keep going.

"We've both been his bride."
"But I managed to walk away unscarred. I'm covered in scars."
"I wasn't myself. You were. Even when you weren't, you were."
"I wasn't wearing adequate armor."
"No. You were naked."

Meanwhile, at Portland Veterinary Services:

I take your point, but:

It had a very "Hey Floki! Welcome to yesterday" vibe to when he told Ragnar about Aslaug sleeping with Homeless Hal.

'Assassins' comes from 'Hashishim' "hash-users". So a drug-fiend like Thea could really help Ollie dramatically refocus them back on their core competencies.

The second series has confirmed what I've suspected since the first: this is some shoddy-to-mediocre writing that is elevated by a stellar cast and production team.

Mind Robber Crabs!

"Mr. Constantine's house has everything: a hedge-maze, a moat, bleached hardwood floors, and a bottomless pit!"

That's a strange interpretation. I listed Moffat's seasons and the Big Bads in their finales, giving you the benefit of the doubt that you could distinguish Davies and Moffat. Your reply is then a snarky dismissal. So therefore your bad behavior is my fault.

"Moffat's recycling a big bad over, and over, and over again?" = Not an opinion. It is a statement that is demonstrably wrong.

Are you being serious? Do you honestly think this is a valid criticism? Seasons 2 and 4 end with virtually identical Big Bads not just at a superficial level but on the level of story/theme. (While those finales are highly comparable, it's nonsense to say every Dalek story is recycled, unless you're claiming that