Big Bad of Season 5: Crack in the Wall
Big Bad of Season 6: The Silence
Big Bad of Season 7b: The Great Intelligence/The Silence
Big Bad of Season 5: Crack in the Wall
Big Bad of Season 6: The Silence
Big Bad of Season 7b: The Great Intelligence/The Silence
The real meat of the episode, and where I think it earns Clara's reversal, is when the Doctor says "Sometimes all of your choices are bad ones." Contrast that with the situation he put Clara in in 'Kill the Moon' - the Doctor steps into situations where the choice is between "bad" and "worse" and takes that off other…
So glad I'm not the only one annoyed by confusing typhoid with meningitis.
I had no real opinion of the woman until hearing her interviewed on Marc Maron's podcast, but after that… crimeny, what a vapid, incurious twerp. Far too pleased with herself and utterly uninteresting as a human being. At several points she actively criticized any sort of self-reflection.
No mention that the conversation in the laundromat is our first hard evidence that Haley is a burgeoning sociopath in how she treats guys?
I cannot BELIEVE that you no one chose to eat in Samurai Cop's 'Restaurant of a Thousand Walls and Corners', where he informs Mr. Fujiy…something… that he will no longer tolerate you "son of bitches". For shame.
You had to walk a long way for the joke, but I suspect that's why they kept having Claire refer to the deal as "her baby". The joke doesn't really land because they were too precious about the payoff.
(I’ll admit though, I did laugh at “A wild dog took my laptop.”)
I see your Season 2 and raise you Season 3.
"The flipping Loch Ness monster!"
On the other hand, it would finally give Doctor Who the chance to address Louis CK's "black people can't fuck with time machines" theory.
*henchman cuts his hand with a knife, drips blood on the evil book*
Ichabod: "Quickly, Leftenant! We must destroy that evil book!"
This might be a ridiculous question, but… what EXACTLY did they arrest that pigeon guy for in the opening scenes? Yes, I know blah blah he's a criminal, but from what I can tell, Watson assaulted a guy with a baton for picking up a pigeon in the park. Is that really going to be their Exhibit A in the trial?
I suppose it is original, if you don't count all the stuff nicked from Harlan Ellison.
I took it more to mean that he didn't think the US would have made it as a country without the New Deal - so by the time WW2 kicked off, we wouldn't have been much use to anyone.
Any episode which contains "that throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us!" should not be dismissed…
Surprised no one's brought up August Derleth's "posthumous collaborations" with H.P. Lovecraft. After Derleth reprinted and revised Lovecraft's stories to suit his taste (often making them worse), he then got ahold of Lovecraft's journal and would take a single sentence or idea, write a story based on it, and then…
They ran down a long list of why the others couldn't, and, um, 9-11 happened here IN NEW YORK. The entire city was locked down.
Worth pointing out that he doesn't own many of these properties… 'Watchmen' is owned by DC, as is 'V for Vendetta' (and I remember for the latter he handed over all the licensing money he got to the artist.)