
Not to be the person that mentions Pitch in every comment but come on. Fox decided that this will compete with ABC's TGIT and NBC's juggernaut This Is Us? Thursday at 9 slots are screwed in all cases but this looks disastrous.

Married to David Cross.

Is golf pop culture? Went to The Players Championship 2nd round on Friday. It was hot and golf courses don't have good shade options but it was a fun day with my dad. We kind of stayed in the back 9, watched 17 a bit, and dealt with some obnoxious women who had clearly been drinking for awhile. We are heading back

1. A literal queen. Saw her on Broadway and she stole the show (it was not a very good play in general but she was fantastic).
3. Really excited for The Beguiled.
8. Love that her and the Sisterhood cast still hang out a bunch.
40. Our future President? Please god no.

Have they announced an episode order yet? I was thinking if it got renewed it would just be for 13 episodes and premiere in the spring.

I know I know. It still makes me angry. Done with this existing IP nonsense.

Renewals and Cancellations made May 12-13:

American Crime was an interesting one to see on the list this week. It had such acclaim and Emmy wins but clearly was never getting viewers.

1. Oh Trophy Wife how I wish you had a better chance.
2. A charming man.
4. Do not understand the appeal at all.
9. Queen.

In case you missed the newswires here is what was renewed or cancelled on May 11:

Especially with Melissa McCarthy hosting SNL this week. He is clearly hiding for more than one reason.

She hasn't posted anything yet but she is on tour with her new album I think? She has been doing a lot of press lately.

3. Will admit that I watch The Parent Trap more than one should. But Natasha Richardson and Dennis Quaid are so good together in the little screen time they share.

A lot of things got cancelled and renewed today. It is that time of year ladies and gentlemen hold on to your television shows tight.

A Pitch producer did an interview this week on The Ringer's MLB podcast and talked about some future storylines that could've happened including Mike getting Amelia pregnant (since it was hinted at early about her infertility problems). Supposedly the network was pushing hard for it. I am kind of glad it got cancelled

No they killed off Abbie at the end of the third and brought another woman in for this last season. A lot of fan backlash to say the least.

Fox cancelled Sleepy Hollow today. Well we all knew that was coming.

I feel like I could put so many answers here that is hard to come up with one. Maybe it is because I am on the younger side I feel like I miss a lot of 80s/90s references. Like I was born in the early 90s but didn't get big into film/television until I graduated high school. The catch up game is constant.

I am hoping things ramp up a bit on The Americans. It has been a rather slow season with a lot of different characters in play. I can't believe the season is almost over, even though not much has happened.

I am really excited for this Colbert episode. Will be interesting to see how Colbert handles all the guests. Of course a lot of Jon Stewart I expect.