
FCC website has been broken for the past couple hours.

I don't watch Arrow but am happy to see gifs of him shirtless on Tumblr.

Your Free Fire sums up the film perfectly for me. Even at 90 minutes I felt like it needed to be cut 20 minutes.

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2: I am kind of meh on the film as a whole. I felt the script to be cringe worthy at points in terms of exposition and character dialogue. Baby Groot is the best character in the MCU hands down. It was an enjoyable film with a great soundtrack but other than that it I didn't get much out

Like I can't stand Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds in general but learning they got married on a plantation just makes it 10x worse.

It seems like just being a human being is a pre-existing condition at this point.

12. I am really excited for her new Amazon series I Love Dick. Rabbi Raquel is some of the best parts of Transparent, mainly for that fact that she isn't a Pfeffermann.

Something is happening at Buckingham Palace but there is no confirmed reports currently other than a supposed 3AM meeting that may or may not have happened. Rumors that Prince Philip had died but that hasn't been confirmed other than New Zealand press getting a statement that no one is dead. Anyway I don't even care

I was hoping Cate Blanchett's nomination would put her closer to EGOT status but she is still missing the Grammy and the Emmy. Do some television and read an audio book Cate!

I have this problem too living in a not major metro area. Movies like Personal Shopper are only in theaters for a week or at the sketchiest movie theater where I would feel incredibly unsafe attending.

People talking or being on the phones either at the movies or at live theater events. Unless you are a doctor who is waiting for that phone call for a transplant or the President there is no reason your phone should be on or out. At least turn it on silent.

I can't watch them. I can't rehash this election because I am still angry about a lot of this. I applaud Hillary for the interviews but I just can't watch her be blamed for an election that was rigged against her.

I do think we need to have a discussion about comedians using gay jokes as a way to insult someone. But besides that this is a lot of bullshit honestly. Colbert's ratings are just going to rise after this (which is great because that means his staff gets pizza).

I honestly hate this question. I could say, "Fine," or go into a five minute monologue on all of my life's troubles. But I will do that with my therapist in 12 hours. So A.V. Club, I am fine.

I hope (and doubt) that this strike won't last as long as the 2007-2008 one did. That was hell.

Just that fact that it took them months to announce this cancellation. Pitch aired its finale the first week of December and the only time they've ever talked about the show was during the Winter TCA. I wish they would've cancelled it months ago because it wouldn't have hurt so much. I knew in my head that it had no

Kimmel had a great monologue tonight about the birth of his son that highlighted the importance of universal healthcare and funding for medical research. He has had a rough couple weeks, this and the passing of Don Rickles.

Well we all knew it was coming. Fox cancelled Pitch this afternoon after its 10 episode season this fall. It was a show that could've been great but struggled in the ratings and in its time slot. It was one of the only shows I held onto and I am incredibly disappointed that we will not being seeing more adventures of

I completely agree. I am so sick of him and drew the line when thought we should try to talk to people who have different views on abortion rights and didn't know he is was going to support Jon Ossoff in GA. He is a Democrat running in a Trump held district, support him or we lose a House seat.

I am a young one. I was born the year that show ended and it just recently went off of Netflix I am pretty sure. It must have never reran on like Nick at Nite or THe N when I was a kid or I would've known about it. I don't think I've ever seen full episodes of it but like I know he is famous from that. I've seen clips