
I haven't really watched him in anything before this and have fallen in love with with this grumpy bearded catcher who secretly has a heart of gold. It is such a good role for him and a lot of people have been saying it has been his best work in ages. I just don't want him to go back another boring procedural.

The Tumblr community for Pitch has been a mess because it has been months since there has been word from anyone official. It doesn't help that Mark Consuelos might be on Riverdale if Pitch is cancelled next season. He is really the only big name who has picked up work.

It is 3x02 and 3x03.

It is only for 2 episodes and he just plays a recruiter. He doesn't really do anything special. I miss when he was in all the things. He seems to have a lot of things coming up in 2017.

Just about finished S3 of Catastrophe as it went up early. I really enjoyed this season, especially as they handled the fallout from last season. Rob and Sharon just know these characters so well and it is nice to see that in a comedy. Loved seeing Domhnall Gleeson pop up. The Carrie Fisher appearance was rather

I started listening somewhat frequently and enjoy it but often haven't seen half the films they are talking about. I really need to catch up on my Steve Spielberg. I usually just pay attention to the beginning and the Box Office Game.

I was just watching clips from when Conan came back on the air during the last strike. He had some great moments in that time, including his beard and seeing how long he can spin his wedding ring. I am worried about all of them for this strike.

Happy to see Superstore as the top pick. It has become one of my favorite little workplace comedies. I am completely into Jonah/Amy but I do not want their to be cheating by either of them. But this promo pic pulls my heartstrings and honestly gives me a lot of S2 The Office feelings. I feel like these upcoming

It has already been renewed and NBC took out Powerless so having a rerun lead into a new episode doesn't sound like the worst plan. What else would they stick there? A rerun of the Great News pilot?

I was into the show for a long time and followed it on Tumblr until it ended. Whenever TVLine reported that Fillion wanted to work 4 days a week is when you can tell it went completely downhill. Katic seems rather lovely though, a little cuckoo though.

Will be checking out The Handmaid's Tale hopefully in the next week or so. My semester ends in like 12 hours once I take my Managerial Accounting final. I want to dive into the book before checking out the series. Started it awhile ago but didn't have the time to get completely sucked in. I am not subscribed to Hulu

I hope Seth goes into Caitlyn about her Republican leaning values while also being trans. I think he might be too nice to do that especially with her schilling out a book and all.

I am so ready for this movie.
Sofia Coppola + Nicole Kidman + Colin Farrell = Nothing could be better.

I feel weirdly stumped by this question. Last fall I was amazed to find that Kristen Dunst is adapting The Bell Jar after we read it in my Women's Lit course. It just feels so unadaptable as a novel.

It is heartening to see WOT commenters put more effort into their own posts than the A.V. Club staff. Like I don't think they can ever take theses posts away but at this point they should just give up and tell us to check our local listings.

If it wasn't slotted against the juggernaut that is the Shonda Rhimes Thursday night. I think it may have done a bit differently at a different hour or different day or how it handled its promotion. But having it go directly against Scandal was incredibly unfair to a show trying to get an audience. Especially one

It has been announced that Chris Carter is only on as an executive producer. I do hope they bring back writers instead of him taking most of the episodes/story control. Sadly Vince Gilligan seems to be a bit busy right now.

Oh I am definitely aware. I know is has about a 1% chance of coming back but I am holding on until the body is cold. I am that desperate. They mishandled the show in general, not promoting it all during the fucking World Series was their gravest sin.

I want Pitch to come back so badly as it is the one show I fell completely head over heels for this year but as the weeks pass since its December finale I have very little faith in FOX. It is an expensive show to make along with the MLB connection but it really could've been something. A great cast too!

The government may or may not shut down on his 100th day. Wouldn't that be fantastic.