
I actually haven't watched any of Black Mirror besides an episode for one of my classes this semester. From Tumblr I understand she is wonderful in that. My professor almost showed that episode in our class but he chose the one with Bryce Dallas Howard instead.

Thanks to our most recent SCOTUS appointment the state of Arkansas just executed Ledell Lee, the first execution in the state since 2005. He is one of a number of inmates that Arkansas wanted to execute before their dose of lethal injection expired. The State of Arkansas began the lethal injection at 11:44 p.m. Ledell

1. My Scottish boy who deserves better projects than X-Men.
2. She is in all the things. I don't know if she turns down a project as of late. But you should watch her in Beyond the Lights before anything else.
36. A couple weeks ago there was a great article about the funeral plans for her and it is incredibly

When I went to the Seth Meyers taping someone in the audience asked him what his favorite moment working on SNL was and he said it was watching a very pregnant Amy Poehler do that Palin rap. It is still one of my favorite Weekend Update moments ever.

Armie Hammer, a man who likes his ropes according to his Twitter likes.

Anne Hathaway doing double duty on opposite coasts for Colossal.

No mention that Superstore is back tonight. They have 3 episodes left of their season have already been renewed. If you are missing a workplace comedy in your life you should really check out this show.

It is odd to think of the show that Kimmy Schmidt would've been if it was on NBC. Way too weird to last more than a season. NBC got lucky with Superstore and they are trying with Powerless, which I haven't seen but seems to not be super horrible. I do miss the days of the NBC Thursday Night Comedy Block

They introduced a new case for the 3rd season and the second dealt with the trial from the first and another case. It should've been a one-off but I enjoy Olivia Colman and David Tennant too much to really care.

He is this normal educated white guy who the Republicans have created these horrendous attack ads against. It is fascinating and telling for what is to come in 2018.

Maya Lin has a fascinating story for how her design was chosen for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in DC. She was 21, an undergrad at Yale, submitted the design in the 'blind' competition and never thought she would've won if names were attached because of her Chinese ancestry. Ross Perot called her ugly names, she had

I really hope Ossoff can pull this off. Trump only won that district by like a percentage point I think and it would completely enrage him. Ossoff is also very cute.

2. I have the third and final season of Broadchurch to watch once my finals are over next week and I am just happy to hear Tennant's accent.
7. Amazon has Sabrina all on Prime so I may just watch all of that this summer.
14. Just lovely on Superstore. Really glad NBC has kept this show on the air.
26. Team Coco Forever.

Clickbait title even though I watch The Americans and know there is still a half season left. I am really sad to see Frank Langella go though. I can't wait to see what his conversation with Paige is like and what he tells her.

I haven't watched a Cosby Show episode in years. I used to watch it all the time as a kid on Nick at Nite and meant to go back to it one day and watch it all again.

Oh I had so many feelings after seeing 20th Century Women. I kind of know Mike Mills' formula from Beginners but it still kind of hit me hard. I saw it the weekend a percentage of the proceeds went to Planned Parenthood with my mom and my aunt as a tribute to my grandmother who passed away 2 years ago. She would've

Whenever the news that Tom and Katie were breaking up I definitely remember reading way too many conspiracy theories on OhNoTheyDidn't about how Suri is really his cousin's kid. Side by side comparisons when she was younger kind of make me agree with that.

Me too. I found the films early in 2012. I had that little bit of wait for Before Midnight. I purchased the Criterion boxset but haven't been able to break into it yet but I would be okay if it ended there, I think. But I do have hope that maybe in 2020 or 2021 they will announce another.

Before Sunrise. Honestly all three films in that trilogy have endings that could be categorized as bittersweet. But there is hope in Sunrise that these two will meet again after their night together. You don't know if it will happen but you see them go off in their separate ways.

Like Jimmy looks pretty good for 42 but I have noticed in the past year or so that he has not been looking great outside of the Tonight Show. I think his supposed drug and alcohol habits are finally showing themselves a bit. Reminds me a bit how Matthew Perry has aged.