
I follow someone on Tumblr who is into them and doesn't like to tag their posts and it is the most infuriating thing but I can't unfollow them.

He is not up there. If you google the phrase 'tony goldwyn scandal 100' like 4 results down is a gossip blog speculating why he isn't there of course. He showed up to their Paley panel just a couple weeks ago.

Excited to see Keri and Matthew together on WWHL. I am sure Andy will have fun with them. My dad watches WWHL with my mom and texted me about their upcoming appearance. My dad loves The Americans and definitely has had a huge crush on Keri Russell. Honestly who doesn't have a huge crush on that woman? But don't

Yes I read your fucking post. You suggested that Survivor had one player out another player to get a ratings boost and to get thinkpieces. Outing someone is considered assault as stated by Varner on Twitter. This was not fucking planned. Zeke didn't want to be outed like this. Zeke didn't plan to talk to People

I don't even go here and I hope to the highest power you are playing devil's advocate. Trans people deserve the right to share as much and as little as they want about their life. Zeke may have wanted to share his story later or never on the show. This is about a right to privacy that people think trans people don't

According to her Wiki she isn't related at all to that famous Coppola family which is a thing I should have looked up before I commented.

In a Wikipedia Insomina episode this past month I went through the Coppola family tree and I had no idea Jason Schwartzman and Nicolas Cage are all in there too.

-What film did Cate Blanchett win her first Oscar?
The Aviator

Watched a couple clips from Kimmel this week. His tribute to Don Rickles was incredibly lovely and very heartfelt. He had John Stamos and Bob Saget talking about him too which was nice and different than the usual schtick I associate with Kimmel. I do wonder how much longer ABC is going to keep him on but I don't

Shameless just finished is 7th season. I am sure it if it has not already will be picked up for another. Like Homeland I had to give up after awhile because it lost me.

That Great Indoors number makes me very mad.

While I was buying my ticket tonight for T2: Trainspotting there was a bunch of nerdy teenage girls really excited to see Your Name. It was quite adorable, they were clearly anime nerds so it was sweet to see them excited for a theatrical release like this.

On Thursday night I drove out to my local indie theater to see Kedi, the Turkish cat film that I didn't expect to love so much. It was sold out which was surprising but fun for a film like this. Kedi follows 7 different street cats around Istanbul, Turkey and the people who they interact with. This film was absolutely

I love Superstore and I am so happy to see it here at the A.V. Club.

I immediately sent that link to my dad because whenever those Muppet characters appear in any situation we both can't stop laughing. I have watched this multiple times because it just so enjoyable. I am sure Sean Spicer will love waking up to that in the morning.

I know that certain people do not enjoy James Corden but he announced that he will be doing a week of shows in London sometime this summer. I am excited just to see who his guests will be since he is fairly friendly with a lot of famous Brits but also if there will be a crossover between the UK Sports show he hosts, A

Like I know it is first for Gonzaga but I wish it wasn't a No. 1 team vs a No. 1 team. Was hoping SC would upset?

Yeah. I have some Twitter acquaintances who love him (and I join in their love) but his domestic violences allegations just seem to not get mentioned but they always are in the back of my head. He is just not only a very good actor but also incredibly charming and good looking too.

Six Feet Under wraps everything up a bit too perfectly but it fits the show well.

We are watching 2001: A Space Odyssey in my Film History class. It will take about 3 classes for us to finish it. I've seen it before but my professor took awhile to explain the premise of the film I think to make sure there was a level playing field. We have a lot of chatty people in that class and I think my