
This doesn't make me feel good about my lovely little show Pitch. I am anxiously awaiting for Upfronts so that Fox can just fucking kill it. It would be so wonderful for them to renew it but I am already bracing myself for disappointment.

Before Sunset is absolutely my favorite film. No one ever understands this but I love the third act of the film from when they get on the boat and Jesse is angry, to the car of Celine being angry, and them going into her apartment. "Baby, you are going to miss that plane." Fuck me.

13 Reasons Why looks interesting. My junior year of high school a guy in my class (in a very small high school, 50 in our class around ~200 students total) committed suicide by hanging himself in his closet. He was the quarterback on the football team, a fucking star lacrosse player, a genuinely nice human being with

A lot of laundry baskets, big coats, and large purses last season.

I just ranted to my mom on the phone about how we went from Secretaries like Clinton (who traveled to the most countries) and Kerry (who traveled the most miles) to Tillerson who is already skipping meetings and admitted to not wanting the job in the first place. You are creating foreign policy for the whole fucking

Shots Fired looks interesting even if the creators kept referring to it as a 10 hour movie when it premiered at Sundance. I am so sick of creators and entertainment types scared to admit they are making episodic television, where some of the greatest work is being created at this moment in time. Television isn't bad,

He is about to play Churchill which I am hoping turns him to an award winning performance. Just the still they released sounds like Oscar bait.

I am currently in NYC on Spring Break. I love the snow and haven't seen snow in 5+ years but almost a foot of snow is a bit much. I was planning to rush a show and go to the Whitney tomorrow but everything is up in the air. I fly back to Florida on Wednesday afternoon and hope it clears.

His books sounds really interesting and definitely a different take on the refugee crisis. He was an interesting interview because his 7-year-old daughter tried to warn him about the evil Donald Trump who hates Muslims before flying to America. It was sweet but slightly alarming, in that his daughter and her friends

How far are you into Shameless? There is a lot about Frank Gallagher that doesn't really add up.

I hope she gets more work. She had done some theater, she won a Tony in 2015, and Sunday is a very limited run. Just thinking about Young Hee just makes me sad.

She is in Feud, which I didn't realize until I read her bio in the playbill. But that show is a little too campy for my tastes.

I think French Twist might be one of the worst episodes after i think about it. I still can't get over any of that or the fact they got married. Just bad bad bad.

I've watched all of Sports Night actually but have never gone back to it. But my love for Josh Charles and Peter Krause is still there.

I find late S4/early S5 to be almost perfect because I like how they handled Luke and Lorelai but once they have their first breakup and April is introduced it goes bad.

I have never finished Scrubs after I think about it because I have never watched S9. The S8 finale is just way too good.

Most of S7 is bad but the finale makes up for a lot of it. But the revival completely shits on it.

The Wire is up there on my 'to watch' list. I grew up an hour from Baltimore and saw them filming once but that was when I was in high school. It just feels way too intimidating currently.

I haven't watched Scrubs in such a long time but my professor showed the Pilot in one of my TV classes a couple weeks ago and I just watched a couple episodes again. I forgot how much I loved that show.

I love Ewan McGregor for many reasons but that fact that he is always pushing for male nudity is up there.