
I will say that most of the time the Insecure sex scenes are great and feel sexy but boy does this show just not believe in condoms or protection in any form. I get it, condoms aren't the sexiest thing out there but just that scene with Lawrence was cringeworthy for multiple reasons.

I just watched Titanic for the first time last night. I was five in 1997 so it wasn't really on my radar and I knew friends who had Titanic obsessions but it was never there for me. It was added back on Netflix so I finally sat down and watched it. It was really good? I don't know what I was expecting but I had been

Colbert is having Joe and Mika on? Wonder how that will go.

Kind of weird that The A.V. Club writers can write a whole paragraph on the ugliness of Marlins Park but have trouble writing about other the shows that happen week to week. As a Marlins fan I can agree it is not the prettiest MLB stadium but that is a little harsh. At least we aren't the last in the league ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I can't wait for this film since the great reviews out of Sundance. But of course it isn't showing in my early until mid-July. Love living in a not-a-major metro area.

Dominic Cooper on James Corden is always great as they have been friends for a very long time.

I can't believe he went back to Iowa so quickly. 2020 campaigning starting way too early.

Went to my cousin's graduation in West Virginia this past December. We drove from western Maryland to Morgantown and I couldn't believe the number of Trump signs I saw that had something to do with him promising to bring back coal. It was devastating to see.

Do you like Broadway or live theater? I always recommend seeing a show while in NYC. I am one of those people who goes there to see shows. You can find tickets rather cheaply as long as you plan it out a bit.

Finished up The Handmaid's Tale. Will hopefully be picking up the book in the next couple weeks. I guess I should've read it before watching but I can't wait to see the differences and how well the adaption. I am very nervous for a second season but was completely absorbed for most of this season. I am completely here

Like I get that and all but it doesn't mean she has to accept him years later. Same with Roman Polanski apologists or anyone who still sticks up for abusers.

Now I can't wait for the A.V. Club to tell you what to watch in the fall.

Diane Keaton was on Jimmy Kimmel this week and it was a fascinating interview. I just love this woman (except her association with Woody Allen).

RIP Megavideo. I do not miss that way of streaming at all.

Or you could just watch it all on Hulu.

Working to slowly catch up on television as the Emmys nominations approach us in little over a month.

Finished S3 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt last night and it was fine. The jokes on this show are always great but I feel like the characters are exactly where they were when the season began. I feel like this is definitely a show that Netflix will keep going and I am worried that Kimmy in not making much forward

James Corden is filming in London this week. I am sure there will be a reflection on the recent attacks.

In weather related news, June 1st starts Hurricane Season. We usually don't get hit badly where I live but last year Hurricane Matthew hit quite hard in my area. Currently there is no one heading up either the NOAA or FEMA. It also poured down rain/flooded my area right when the Paris Agreement was announced this

I saw Silence and am still confused to this day of the women who brought a 7-year-old and a toddler into the theater. They left rather quickly but I have no idea if they went into the wrong theater or what. Props to the family who brought a young kid into that theater and stayed and the child freaked out when someone