
In catch up mode for the Academy Awards.

I am oddly excited for the next episode of The People vs OJ Simpson. I haven't really looked forward to a TV show that airs weekly in awhile.

It is small character moments that got McAdams the nomination. But Ruffalo did have that big scene in the newsroom which is very much an 'I am acting' moment. It is a film with a lot of small moments.

Easily one of the best pilots of the past 15 years. I don't know how people watch that pilot and don't want to watch more, even with the 'I don't like football' argument. It establishes so much in so little time.

I am also one of four people who miss A to Z. I don't think I ever finished it though after I think about it. If took an episode or two for me to really grab onto it but it is enjoyable enough that I binged it one evening and and the next day.

I rewatched it recently because I was very on the fence for Rachel McAdams being nominated but she deals a lot with the survivors, which highlights her skill. But the scene with her grandmother is my absolute favorite, because even though you knew it was coming it really hit home the betrayal that parishioners felt.

Congrats on the job!

Especially because Princess Diana was divorced from the Royal Family the public reaction about the flag seemed odd, especially when it was explained they it never gets lowered for any other case, even at the deaths of kings. It is mind boggling that it was a discussion point.

It did't romanticize the issues she had which was incredibly important to the story. I think it was too overhyped for me. It felt very simple, in a good way, but I didn't find it to be a spectacular piece of documentary. I completely understand your point but it just didn't really land for me.

What a lovely show. You are probably aware that S2 goes through a rough patch, just take it as it is. Keep watching. I am jealous of you watching it for the first time.

+ Sunday will hopefully be laundry and going to see Hail, Caesar! day. Will check out the Super Bowl for the halftime show and Colbert and Corden.

I completely forgot about it because I remember them on screen together in, most memorably, Sense and Sensibility and Love Actually. Trelawney is such an eccentric character, I don't associate her at all with Emma Thompson.

It is devastating to know we will never see them play opposite each other again.

For those who missed Emma Thompson's statement: “Alan was my friend and so this is hard to write because I have just kissed him goodbye,” Thompson said in statement. “What I remember most in this moment of painful leave-taking is his humor, intelligence, wisdom and kindness. His capacity to fell you with a look or

Or how many Top 10 Lists and comparing the aggregate scores between that and other Best Picture nominees. Carol does better than all of them.

Probably thinking of Octavia Spencer. But Viola Davis did win an Emmy, which I think is where the confusion is.

I completely understood your point. I didn't mean to mix up words. I just found the original comment odd, especially when it is not really relevant to the discussion at hand.

The Academy can actually include up to 10 films in the Best Picture race. Technically Carol could've have a spot but due to votes it didn't get in.

It received 6 (Original Screenplay, Picture, Director, Actor, Supporting Actor, and Editing). It won for Screenplay.

More like conservative but probably straight too. I bet male also.