
I get this reference.

Exactly. AV Clubbers are getting mad that Cate Blanchett (46) and Rooney Mara (30) are paired together while Jennifer Lawrence is routinely paired with actors twice her age. They don't see those relationships as predatory. /rant

Ridley Scott got a pity nomination at the DGA because this was the first film he has directed in the past 10 years that hasn't been a piece of shit. I was happy to see him out of the Oscar race. Todd Haynes should've taken his spot, he made more bold choices and had an image in his head what he wanted Carol to look

Just as series from both Netflix and Amazon Prime get Emmy nominations. The Television Academy has adjusted how they view streaming series and soon will the Academy that runs the Oscars.

I edited my comment after I saw my mistake. But Carol is still not a sexual predator, Therese is the one to mail her gloves back to her, act on it. In the book, when they are out to lunch, she talks about wanting to jump into her lap and smell her perfume. Like the relationship is a bit of a mess but Carol isn't

Carol isn't a sexual predator. Carol is mid-to-late 30s in the book and the film. Therese is 19, 15 years age difference is not bad in Hollywood. Why aren't people getting mad about the egregious age difference in other Hollywood films?

While Academy Awards ratings were down 16% I don't see American audiences anytime soon ignoring the ceremony. It is broadcast internationally also.

I have yet to see Beasts of No Nation or The Revenant or The Big Short so I cannot voice whether these actors deserved it over others. It is just a question of whether Academy voters even saw Idris Elba's performance. It has been revealed lately that Academy voters don't often see performances but vote because their

No. It had a theatrical release. Just because something is released on Netflix doesn't mean it is TV related. It screened at Venice and Toronto. It had a limited theatrical run so it could be included in the Oscar race. Idris Elba has received recognition from other authorities but not the Academy.

I am about the same level as mad that Todd Haynes was left out of the Director race and Carol out of the Best Picture race. Todd Haynes left his footprint on this film, it was in development hell for years. Out of all the nominee I would put Todd Haynes in and replace Adam McKay. Sadly the Academy feels lost with

Spike Lee was just awarded an Honorary Academy Award a couple months ago. He gave a big speech about when when it happened too. Is he going to return that?

I just did some Googling and I recognize that artist now. It took Art History and remember those weird ass paintings. But such a weird clue.

All I remember about Blue is the Warmest Color is that the director was a piece of shit. Both actresses in the film said they don't want to work with him ever again because of their treatment on this film.

I am currently reading the book. It is really only, at the most, a 15 year age difference. Therese is 19, while Carol is early-to-mid 30s. I can see how it reads as predatory though.

Ohh. I remember the ad on Amazon Prime now.

Only one I don't know is the $400 clue.

I think this is one of my favorite Reposted Daily Mail Comments ever. It is so ridiculous and I can easily imagine the angry white dude yelling at his TV about it.

I am about to start reading Brooklyn because I saw the film in November. My neighborhood book club chose it for February but I had trouble getting into it because I knew the story. But I am going to continue on with it.

I was really dissapointed most in the nephew's arc. I liked that he came to Nigeria with Ifemelu but I was hoping something would come out of it. Maybe more explanation about his suicide attempt, but it was not his story to tell really but how Ifemelu was affected by it.

I think we found the MRA.