
I follow a couple people on Tumblr/Twitter who seem to despise her with a thousand suns. I have only seen her in Her and The Social Network so I feel like I can't judge her. I am excited to see how she does in Carol.

Go see Brooklyn immediately. It will give you that fix for a good romance and an ending that will make your cry happy.

Too much competition in terms of adult dramas, at least according to the PR executives. The article says that television is also an excuse.

It was so great, especially when she walked away. Mic drop to the extreme, post-war style.

Weinstein's bullshit excuse on wanting to wait to release Carol is bullshit. I doubt I will get to see it it in Jacksonville before January.

+ Planning to see Room hopefully tomorrow. I wish it was playing at a theater that wasn't downtown, however. Because football is happening tomorrow and I don't want to deal with traffic.

I am hoping she has a resurgence in her 20s.

I was happy to have Alfredo back. It is good to see Sherlock develop relationships beyond those at the precinct and Joan.

Lin-Manuel Miranda is definitely singing/performing/doing something with Colbert on his show? It has to happen.

I am so happy to have Transparent back. Amazon releasing the S2E1 last week was completely unfair. Beautiful premiere episode.

What a lovely article. I have a lot of nostalgia related to Harry Potter because it was such a big part of my childhood whether it was reading the series for the first time, attending release parties at Borders, midnight screenings of the films, and my first big venture into fandom. I always loved how J.K. Rowling

I was going to comment on the fact that I have had the first volume of Saga in my backpack for weeks. I have read about 15 pages but haven't picked it up in like a week. I picked it up because it was on sale on Amazon for $5. It is sort of my first delve into the graphic novel/comics scene. I want to continue with it


After a horrible rivalry week game against FSU I had no hope for Florida v Alabama. I am glad that the Gators are a lot of better than they have been in the past couple of years but as my family has said almost every weekend: where is the offense? Disappointing. They are in a bowl game in Orlando though, which is nice.

I am mad that Trophy Wide had to be cancelled and this is what Marcia Gay Harden is up to.

It is the better of CBS procedurals. If you give it a chance the dynamic between Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu is the best part of the show. It works well combining the elements of a procedural and the serialization of a drama. Plus this season we get John Noble.

Well FX is the figurehead in this situation.

I can't believe the finale for You're The Worst is already here. This fantastic season has flown by so fast. I just want Gretchen and Jimmy to be okay but I don't have high hopes. Thank the Lord that FX has confidence in this show and it will be returning next year.

I will have to make sure to tune in tomorrow. The Jeopardy Twitter revealed this week that there will be a whole category devoted to Hamilton featuring Lin-Manuel Miranda. I can't wait.

I have had The Girl on the Train on my side table for months. Never read it when my neighborhood book club chose it. I definitely want to read it before the film comes out but it is so depressing.