
It will be interesting to see what Fallon does with Bernie Sanders. His other presidential guests have been willing to play along with his antics. Hope he gets to talking about policy.

I don't think I have watched this episode since I went through the series the first time and I don't know if I have the capability to do so. Television seems to do members of the FNL cast wrong in terms of television shows, I hope Gifford can find a project that highlights his abilities.

I don't really read crime fiction but picked up the series because it was written by J.K. Rowling. I kept reading the books because of the characters and was pleasantly surprised by The Silkworm and Career of Evil. Do you think you will continue with the series?

I was looking into it this weekend. I would have to somehow acquire a copy of Windows.

I really love S4 because of certain elements (Rory going off to Yale, Loreali dealing with the inn, Richard/Emily storyline) and it probably my favorite of the seven. Sadly the show falls apart in the last couple of seasons. Cherish the beginning of S5.

I am waiting for Rocket League to come to Mac but it doesn't look like the developers have any interesting in that happening. I am not a big video game player but I watch a lot of people play video games and it is one that has caught my interest.

+ Hope all the Americans had a lovely Thanksgiving holiday!
+ College Football: Well Florida lost and deservedly so. Treon Harris could not complete a pass to save his life. I do not feel confident about the SEC Championship against Alabama.
+ Didn't get to see Creed this weekend. I have to see Trumbo tomorrow for

Next semester I have to take 2 political science classes to finish out my degree: a senior seminar and a research analysis class. My research class is data analysis and is all individual work. Senior Seminar is a little different, depends on the professor really, but combination of them all. Some group work, maybe a

I am a senior majoring in Political Science and Media Studies with minors in gender studies and film studies. All I am doing right now is writing papers. I have had classes with group projects, but it really depends on the professor. My film studies classes want to make sure we can articulately explain concepts so we

I liked your review on Trumbo, I am interested in the story line and from the trailers I didn't really expect much in terms of direction. I am mainly going to see it because of Bryan Cranston's performance and the subject matter.

It has been way warmed than usual. I did live in Maryland for 15 years so I definitely miss the idea of fall. But it looks like it going to be a little cooler this week.

I was going in thinking it was just the conventional rom com to fall asleep to but it twisted and turned. Odd cast with Kathy Bates, Rashida Jones, Julianne Nicholson, Holly Hunter, and Ron Livingston.

Oooh. I have been waiting for Disorder to be released. I remember seeing it around Cannes and have completely forgotten about it since then. I only recently was introduced to Schoenaerts in Far From the Madding Crowd. I can't wait to see him in The Danish Girl.

You have voiced a lot of my feelings about Spotlight. I wish that it had been more interesting to watch, the direction was incredibly predictable. It didn't grab me like I thought it would.

4/5 right. I can't for the life of me remember that guys name however. *goes to Google* Bear Grylls! How could I forget a name like that?

I cried way too many times when the news about Robin Williams came out. Aladdin was definitely one of the films I most remember from childhood and people have pointed out that Robin Williams is then all over childhood, especially as a 90s kid, whether Mrs. Doubtfire, Flubber, Jumanji, Patch Adams, and who doesn't

I agree with you Spotlight. Brilliantly scripted and acting is on point but the directing was boring and predictable. I kind of came out of it feeling bland. I kept reading reviews and reactions to it and felt indifferent. It is good, in being a journalism film, but nothing else stood out for me.

Is there a wide release date set? I kept hearing around Christmastime but that seems way too far away.

Both Suffragette and Spotlight both do the text at the end, each in their own way. The one for Spotlight was interesting because my audience chuckled when it was revealed the Cardinal was moved to Rome and then a big WTF when they listed where all the abuse investigations occurred.

It amazing how much Robin Williams improvised in that role. I haven't watched it in years but the outtakes that were recently released show just how fantastic he was.