
I think this hits the nail on the head as to why this write-up is shit. A lot of huge value judgements are made (which in itself is completely fine), but they are taken for granted as objective truth without elaboration. When Todd Vanderwerff does this kind of thing, he at least gives an overview of "stages" in the

Wow, this was a shitty review, will definitely not come back for more about Louie on this site. The tone was spiteful, distanced and puffed up, and not at all in the fun way. The arguments were weak and shallow, depending on a sort of "inside knowledge" about previous critiques and even about previous thoughts the

How old are you? And are you okay?

Alright guys. I thought this episode was a lot of fun. I was at the edge of my seat, and am not nearly pretentious enough to call this episode bad in spite of it. But seriously:

I think this can be traced back to the fact that Don screwed over Jaguar, the account that Joan whored herself out to secure. But yea, Don't broesses didn't have much good to say about him / to him on his return. It kinda made me sad.

Saul's Beard > Walter White's beard > my stubble >>>>>>>>>> Dexter's beard >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hank Shrader's beard

Was I the only one who thought this finale was disappointingly filled with contrivance? Dana calls her father just in the last second, what luck! Carrie figures it all out JUST before her electroshock? ALAS! Carrie saved the world and she won't ever know? OH THE HUMANITY. Nazir asks Brody to kill his old friend and he

And this is exactly why i enjoy Murakami so much, and find it inane that some people think his works are too unresolved.

That said I completely agree with everything you said.

Yea, I''m also just now watching Dexter for the first time and reading these write-ups, and I too often feel the itch to reply to archeological comments :).

It seems to me mr. Cooper is a talented actor, but a hopelessly bad person to pick the right movies. He's in so much shit, when he could be only in good things. But yes. Money is the most important thing in the world, especially to people who already have shitloads of it. So…

I was surprised by the Shamalomoma praise too. Isn't basically everyone on earth in agreement that he pretty much fails at everything he does ever? I haven't seen this movie an am not going to, partly because the only things Shaymolyanon has put out there that was watchable was 6th Sense and Unbreakable. I have given

There have been plenty full frontal dicks on screen. Not as many as tits, granted, but that's the way of the world. That said, I have never understood people being outraged about a book depressing them. This is not to insult you, but people who do this come across as in denial to me. Like Bradley Cooper's character in

I've read all your posts in this thread and I can't for the life of me figure out if you are being an asshole, trying to be funny, or if you are right.

I've read all your posts in this thread and I can't for the life of me figure out if you are being an asshole, trying to be funny, or if you are right.

Roger Ebert pronounced Synecdoche to be the best film of the 00's decade. I'm not sure about that, but i tend to agree with him; you can read his thoughts on the film on his Chicago Sun Times blog. In it, he says that viewers may benefit from re-watching this movie. I completely agree. Granted, I was completely

@avclub-675adbbb1b2c32bc073df682649119e9:disqus I am late too! :) I also found what you were saying about "rooting for the bad guy" intriguing. Obviously, everyone (including me and the critics) have a huge fanboner for Tyrion. Still his family is sort of an antagonist. But Stannis… Seeing him in this episode kindof

@avclub-675adbbb1b2c32bc073df682649119e9:disqus I am late too! :) I also found what you were saying about "rooting for the bad guy" intriguing. Obviously, everyone (including me and the critics) have a huge fanboner for Tyrion. Still his family is sort of an antagonist. But Stannis… Seeing him in this episode kindof

I get the idea behind the movie and I like it. I loved Magnolia and in fact consider it to be one my favorite films. This, however, didn't catch my attention at all. In fact, I actually dozed off and then switched off the television - a thing that usually never happens when I watch movies. I don't know if it was

HIMYM lately = dragging out + tired, unoriginal jokes and group dynamics + frustratingly shallow and WAY too frequent twists. I wanted to make an M. Night. Shyamalan joke here, but then I realized I would be guilty of my second criticism of the show. Please, please, please make it stop before it uses every last drop