
HIMYM lately = dragging out + tired, unoriginal jokes and group dynamics + frustratingly shallow and WAY too frequent twists. I wanted to make an M. Night. Shyamalan joke here, but then I realized I would be guilty of my second criticism of the show. Please, please, please make it stop before it uses every last drop

I couldn't agree more with the first part of the comment, even though I think there's plenty of poetic ambiguity to be had in Old Ideas tracks like Banjo and Going Home - I'm still flummoxed by "He'll speak these words of wisdom / Like a sage, a man of vision / Though he knows he's really nothing / But the brief

This is the first positive review I have ever read of any Leonard Cohen biographies. Maybe this is the one to start with, although I would much prefer an autobiography (which Mr. Cohen will never, ever write).

This is the first positive review I have ever read of any Leonard Cohen biographies. Maybe this is the one to start with, although I would much prefer an autobiography (which Mr. Cohen will never, ever write).

I seem to have noticed in in reviews of his recent books a steady decline in praise and ratings. I'm no literary critic, but they are probably right; when i try to look at it as objectively as possible, Man In The Dark and Sunset Park are not as strong, thematically deep and playful as The New York Trilogy for

I seem to have noticed in in reviews of his recent books a steady decline in praise and ratings. I'm no literary critic, but they are probably right; when i try to look at it as objectively as possible, Man In The Dark and Sunset Park are not as strong, thematically deep and playful as The New York Trilogy for