
Yeah, I like the idea of having a villain undergo redemption and become more empathetic. On the other hand, what are Jaime's choices? Even if he could relearn to fight southpaw, he'd just go back to fighting for the Lannisters, kind of a wasted cause.  And what does Bran have to look forward to, turning into a lichen?

He's probably one of the better guys around for what Jaime wants, what with his specialty being the study of living flesh.  Now why Jaime turned down the milk, I would like to know.

Didn't he throw some kid out of a window for catching him perving out with his sister?

It's pronounced "Frahnk-en-Schteen".


I thought Harry Anderson was great on Cheers.

I read that as sighed.

It was like that when I got here.

*starts whistling the theme to the Andy Griffiths show*

Night Court?

What the hell are you staring at?

I'm voting for Buffy the Vampire Slayer's "Hush".

I'm voting for "Hush", mostly because the gay are giving homosexuals a bad name. But hey, don't worry, you still have Kathy Griffin.

grimoire -[griːmˈwɑː]
1. a manual of black magic (for invoking spirits and demons)


I love that he used the term "growler".
