
Either that or he clearly said he was deleting his account because you noob morons don't even know how cancerAIDS works.

Needs more descriptions of the House Barney crest. Also, what color were his nipples?

What the hell are you lookin' at?

What the hell are you starin' at?

The only way I want to be shoehorned is in between a couple of buxom Italian strippers.

How do his ratings compare to The Colbert Show?

What the hell are you staring at!

What the hell are you staring at!

What the hell are you starin' at!!!!

Like that time she tried to kill the king of Ooo, right?

Woozle wuzzle?

What the hell are you starin' at?!

Indulging in indiscretions is neutral?

What the hell are you starin' at!!!

What the hell are you staring at?

God-Emperor Dada


Hey, what did Captain Dada say that got him banned?